☆Eight Bitches, One Building☆

362 19 74

A flash sparked up the sky, passing through the dim bedroom, scattering aside darkness before allowing it to swallow everything whole. Sheer seconds after, a thunder rolled into the skies, clouds rupturing with immeasurable intensity.

Mingi jolted awake, chest heaving slowly, waist held in place by the strong presence beside him. Yunho's arm was idly swung over the male's lower back, a protective gesture that he cherished at first and was completely elated by. He had moved to his bed sometime during the night, knowing that Mingi wasn't a fan of storms, to keep him company.

Stirring awake due to the orange-haired student's movements, the taller yawned sleepily, rubbing at his eyes with his free hand before assessing the look on the other's face. "Mingi? Are you okay?" He propped himself up, closing in the distance between them by placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

It was an action the younger was too dazed to fully register. "Y-Yeah, it just... startled me. That's all." Mingi nodded, partially trying to convince himself that the words escaping his mouth were true.

"You sure?" The pinkette leaned his head to the side, the hand that was resting on the other's posterior now rubbing comforting circles onto his back.

"I'm fine, Yunho." Even though the obscure setting, he peeked at the concerned male, gulping a steady breath as another rumble echoed outside, a meek shiver accompanying the sound.

Yunho grimaced at the reaction, bringing the smaller closer, allowing him to snuggle against his warmth. "C'mere pumpkin." He motioned, shifting the blanket so it would cover more of Mingi's befuddled frame, head moving instantly in the crook of the other's neck.

So comfortable... So delicate. A shelter for him to always hide underneath whenever clashing against troubles, people, and most importantly, rain. The redhead exhaled his worries away, his slight gust tickling Yunho's senses. "Hey," He spoke, avoiding the taller's scrutiny.

"Hm?" Was his short answer, a small droning for the smaller to understand that he was listening.

"Why are you so good to me?" Barely a rasp, Mingi managed to shut his eyes, pushing himself as close as he possibly could, the desperate tint of his movements coercing the older to select a rather questioning frame of mind. "We haven't even known each other for that long..."

"Well, for starters... You're amazing, smart, and handsome..." Halting for a second, Yunho recollected his thoughts, kissing the younger's forehead once again before continuing. "And even if you weren't all those, I would've still cared about you. Wanna know why?"

Seeing as no answer emitted out from Mingi, he grinned a tad, realizing he had fallen asleep very shortly. Giggling, he finished his statement. "Because you're you and I want to keep you with me for as long as I can."

The next morning, Hongjoong tiptoed into the room, eager to tell the pair of what had occurred the previous night but paused seeing the scene ahead. The two titans were wrapped in each other's arms, gentle dozes surrounding the room and warming Hongjoong's heart. He wished he had his phone on him to snap a photo for later. Closing the door behind him, he made sure to do so carefully as not to wake the sleeping pair.

When walking out into the kitchen, the blunette found Yeosang gazing out the window, his expression unreadable. Hongjoong shrugged at it, simply muttering a light good morning before reaching for a coffee mug and the contents he'd pour inside. The true love of his life awaited in the brewing pot, warm, refreshing and the only thing he deemed necessary to live on this rock he called home. After all, he didn't drink coffee to wake up. He woke up to drink coffee.

"Do you drink anything but caffeine?" Said the younger male, finally turning to him. His comment earned a scornful glare from his senior, who looked five seconds away from downright growling at him. "I don't think I've ever seen you eat anything that isn't coffee grounds."

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