Chapter 1 - Coffee

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" Dear Paris,

This is the very first letter I am writing for you. I've decided to consecutively write you letters whenever I can, just so you stay in my mind. As of now I am struggling to express my thoughts towards you, we haven't even met so there's nothing I could say about you. I have never done this before, forgive me if I sound strange and different.

Imagining you smile lifts up my soul, how are you? It's impossible for us to talk just yet, you are quite unreachable for now. Do you need me? I'm always here for you. From the start, til the end, from the first and the last.

I shall end my letter here, dear Paris...

Sincerely yours, Error"

Error pulled his hand away from the book of blank papers. It was where he decided to jot his letters down for his uncertain someone. He sighed as he rested his back on the backrest of his seat, gazing at the outside of his window. Colors of Red, Orange, Yellow and Purple were covering up the sky, the rays of light it brought to Error's eyes were bearable, but he would flinch whenever it hit him. The wind blew in a certain direction, but some were parting ways to reach Error's apartment. Error inhaled the air swirling around him as he felt the warm atmosphere turn into a cold breeze.

It was peaceful, quiet and relaxing. He couldn't ask for a better home, this was what he defined 'the best'.

He closed his book of blank letters as he pushed his chair away from the desk, the legs scraping against the floor. He lifted his head to stare blankly at the ceiling, contemplating as he satisfied himself with his breathing. 'Course, he was thankful he was alive and well like this, especially since there are no distractions that bothers him. He continued to glue his eyes at the top of his room when suddenly, he heard the dangling of keys from outside his apartment. He heard the main door pulled open and a few plastic bags that the person held. He hears him place the bags somewhere near the table, he wasn't able to see it since his room door was closed the whole time. Not a moment after, his door was opened wide by someone. It was his friend named Fell, the only person he lives with.

"Have you, by any chance, heard of the word knocking?" Error asked a rhetorical question, lifting his brow at the scene, while his head tilted a little to form a more questioning look.

"Yeah no, haven't heard of it." The other replied in sarcasm, proceeding to enter Error's room. "So, any job interviews today?" Fell started to pull the drawers open, looking for something.

"I wouldn't be here if there was." He sighed deeply, inhaling and exhaling the negativity away from his body. "Can't believe I graduated college for nothing."

Fell chuckled loudly, "Then go back to college and decide to not graduate. See how the results differ." He picked up a lighter lying on the last drawer that he opened. "Found it."

Error only rolled his eyes in response as Fell started to pull something out of his pocket. It was a box of cigarettes, one he brought to his office. He opened the box and snatched a stick, lighting it up with the lighter he took from the drawer then started smoking at Error's window. "You reek of cancer stick!" Error reacted. It's not that he hates cigarettes, Fell just smokes a lot and his smell isn't pleasant anymore. Error smokes only a few times a week, just an enough amount of stick to keep him satisfied.

Fell unnoticeably glanced at the book lying on Error's desk. He's never seen it before, it sure was new. "What's that?" He asked as he tapped his cigarette against the window frame.

"Some shit that you won't need to know." Error closed his eyes for relaxation, even if Fell smelled like burnt wood. The other paid no care, it wasn't his business anyway, he had to atleast give him some privacy even after barging in his room, uninvited.

A moment of silence passed before Fell could notice Error had already fallen asleep on his chair. Fell let out a small grin of amusement, he knew the other had been working hard and writing his ass off just to get a decent job. It was stressful for the both of them, luckily they're no burden to each other while living under the same roof. The both of them were good company, they've been friends for a long time already.

As he finishes up smoking, he flicked the cigarette away from his hands and to the bin that lied just beside the window outside. It was quite a shortcut, and is pretty convenient for him. He pulled himself away from the window frame and left the room. The moment Fell pulled the door close, Error shot his eyes open from the sudden slam. He wasn't a heavy sleeper, and could easily be awakened.

He felt bored and empty, he wanted to do something else rather than heating his chair with his rear end. He stood up from his seat and snatched a coat from his closet, as well as grabbing his book and his pen and his it in the inside pockets of the coat. He left his room and wore a pair of shoes, causing Fell to notice him. "Date?" Fell assumed.

"Stroll." Error corrected. He didn't expect a reply so he quickly left the apartment to take a stroll outside.


He wasn't really yearning for a sunset stroll, he prefers evening strolls, he admires the cold atmosphere along with the shining stars above his head. He didn't mind taking a stroll at this time, he knew he'd be able to take a night stroll if he just waited.

As he walked on the cement pathway towards the Divine Garden, he was met by a person kneeling on the floor that seemed to be drawing on a sketchbook, there also lied a cup of coffee beside him. It was oddly strange, no one goes to that garden anymore, ever since the city set up another garden away from here, citizens stopped coming here. He was hesitant to approach the man sketching on the floor, he didn't know him nor should he care about what the other was doing. He was too old to meddle with someone else's business.

He took steps till he reached the man on the floor. Turns out, he was actually curious of what he's doing. He bent down and peeked at the other's sketch. The other was aware of Error's stares but he continued to draw as he please. After a series of strokes, he finally finished the piece. It was an exact drawing of the entrance to Divine Garden. Error was amazed by the man's skill, and he didn't mind praising him for his work.

"Neat." Error complimented.

"Thanks!" The other replied, pulling himself up and stood on his feet, no longer kneeling down. Error followed his actions and quickly stood up. He glanced at the artist and the other did the same. "Do you go here often?" Asked Error, out of curiosity. He normally doesn't see people around anymore, but that was only at night.

"I do! A-" The other was cut off when he felt that he had tapped the cup of coffee with his foot. A few ounces of coffee spilled on Error's shoes. The man quickly reacted and snatched the cup from the floor. Error grunted in response for his clumsiness.

"I am so sorry, uh- here let me give you some tiss-" He apologized as he panic but was completely in shock when the coffee spilled on Error's sweater under his coat, when he was trying to reach for his spare tissues.

Error glanced down on his now wet sweater with disappointment. His eyelights stared at the other, "Really?"

The other chuckled nervously, "Oops."

Dear Paris [Errorink]Where stories live. Discover now