Chapter 06

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Note: I am skipping all the boring details and just focusing on these two as how they came to be and become and are becoming in sense of relation.

Hope you are enjoying this book.


Four years later....

Ana laughs at something Rafael shows before she shakes her head and goes back to eat her lunch. She pauses and turns her head to the doorway staring at it before a smile spread on her face as Romano walks in with some of the staff.

"My clue to get out" Rafael informs as he grabs his tray of food and walks away as Rom says his goodbye and makes his way towards her.

"Took you long" she states making him sighs as he pulls his tie off and she pushes the bag of blood towards him.

"They just kept yapping on and on, it was not fun at all" he breaks the bag and sips as he stares at her lunch.

"I could hear your laughter on the way, what were you talking about?" he asks as he licks his lips.

"Rafael was just showing some pictures"

"Of?" Rom raises his brow.

"A wedding her attended, the humans as he pointed were drunk and silly" she explains as she bites on to her food and he grins.

"I have yet to get my human drunk and watch her be silly, do I have to wait for a wedding?" he asks and she throws the juice box at him.

"Shut it and for you to take me on a wedding you have to put a ring on my finger" she wiggles her fingers and he grabs it to put it in his mouth.

"I would rather lick it" he winks and she groans pulling her wet finger out of his mouth.

"Ewe, Rom, you just drank blood. I told you...ugh" she groans as she grabs few napkins and wipes her hand.

"She puts her mouth on my cock but cannot stand blood" he sighs before he dodges the apple, she throws which flies by him.

"That was close, babe"

"Well that much how close you will be getting to me from now" she warns as she stands up to walk away but he moves and she ends on his lap.

"You mean this much close?" he teases and Ana hits on his shoulders.

"Got you" she grins as she punches him.

"Your touches bring pleasure babe not pain" he grins as he watches her hit him before she grabs his hair and pulls it making him shout in pain.

"Oh, I love giving you pleasure" Ana laughs before she finds herself out of his arms.

"Goddamn, Ana" Rom seethes as he glares at her with his hair pointing ate different direction and she bursts out laughing.

"Okay, I definitely love this kind of pleasures" she points at his hair and he glares fixing it.

"One of these days, babe, one of these days I will spank you, red" he growls and she stands up.

"Oh Rom, to have that privilege you need to own me baby" she pokes on his cheek as she moves past him.


"Are you sulking about before?" Ana asks as she pokes her head through his office making him turns his chair around slowly hiding behind it.

"Childish" she laughs.

"Well, keep sulking baby, I am heading home. You have a meeting in half and hour with someone named Laura, says you have been trying to reach to her for a very long time, she sounded important so have fun" she smiles as she goes to close the door.

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