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Hugo black

( the slanted writing i was inspired by someone on TikTok i will try find their @ i am terribly sorry if i Cant )

Wednesday 28 March 2021

I like hurting girls... mentally i suppose. I mean I'd never hit a girl like that. I don't know how to explain it because I do hit girls when I'm on missions. I wouldn't do it for any other reason then that..

Here let me, I get carried away. A bit like serial killers when they feel no remorse. No regret for all the people they have killed. I'm like that I fucking love it. I wouldn't care how long it till i made them them fall in love. I had all the time in the world if I'm being honest. Waiting for them to be in love with me was my thing. I loved the feeling of not know what'll happen next. Like expect the unexpected. Then when they give me that look the The puppy eyes thing , when you're in love with someone. I switch I say all the horrible things.

I suppose tho at the end of the day this is my coping method to my life. Maybe you should try it, maybe you would like it too! Maybe we are alike. I mean who knows..

I then watch them try and hide how much I was hurting them. I mean it's legal and I enjoy it so why not. I might have killed some along the way.. their souls sometimes them too. I wanted to have their souls, steal them. I came close to a few but I walked out. I bailed. It was funny. Hurting girls is like peanut to my peanut butter jelly sand which.. fucking fantastic.

"Hugo we have a problem." Liam shouts. Great fucking interrupting me as per usual. Standing up my chair flys back.

"What the fuck do you wanttt." I shout.  I'm literally tryna express my fucking feelings. It's the only way I can. Well in my eyes anyway.

I feel weak trying to open up to people. I feel like I'm throwing the weight off my shoulders onto theirs and that's not fair. Maybe this is why I'm like this towards girls. It's my coping method.

Opening my door I walk into my office. Looking around Liam, Ace and. Callie.

Why they look so serious.

"Boss our hotel we use to cover of what we actual do a women who was staying there is suing you." Liam says with a hint of anger.

What? We are being fucking sued!?!

"Fine that bitch will be dead after court. Who's one of the best lawyer at the fucking minute. We'll go for them." I snap. Running my hands through my thick brown hair I think. Okay I'll convince her to work for me then make her fall in love so she'll definitely do it then once she's done what I wanted I'll walk out on her.

" Catalina Garcia. She's the one everyone wants on their cases right now. She took down the falcon." Liam says.

"Hmm okay get her." I say. Running my  through my hair, Will she be willing to work for me? Probably not but she will.

Then I hear a faint knock. Hmm Lilly. I don't want you now. I watch her walk in and up to me. "What's up baby?" She questions. "Fuck off will I don't want you here at the moment." I hiss.




"No im here for you." She snaps. Fuck control your temper. Walking up to her I grip her shoulders and raise my voice "get the fuck out!" in her face.

Why is she about fucking crying? Pathetic I'm done I don't want to even try break her heart in the worst possible way. I'm going to be straight forward.

"I don't love you.. get out." I roll my eyes, sighing. My eyes follow as she runs out the room crying. Really? I didn't even intend on fucking breaking her. So sensitive.

Fuck this shit. Walking out I head to the gym. Maybe a workout will do. I mean I've been so caught up I ain't had time for gym.

Turning the corner I see a note. What the fuck is this bullshit. Picking it up my eyes scan.

Heyy Jacky Jack, I'm leaving I didn't like how you spoke to me so I was thinking we break up. If I'm not in it means I've left obviously. Just saying I was happy while it lasted.

Hope you find someone who can put up with your bullshit. I do still love you so if you ever think your ready maybe we could rekindle our relationship <3

Love lilly

Yeahhh hard pass. Tearing it up I throw it in the bin as approach the gym doors. Placing my hands on the door i push through. Entering the gym i love around. It is empty. Walking over to the punching bag I repeatedly hit that.

Yes i lied to her about my name


It's been a couple hours and my men told her they'd like to schedule a meeting little does she know that's where we will acquire her. Kidnaps a strong word I don't do that shit.

I'll just 'gently' guide her. If that makes sense. Stepping foot in my shower I start scrubbing my body all over. Rubbing shampoo and lathering myself in apple body wash.

Standing under the head I let it run all down my body. Turning it off. Reaching for the switch I turn it to the left. Grabbing a towel I wrap it round my waist.

Looking in the mirror I spray my pits with deodorant followed with some aftershave. Dropping the towel I pull up some fresh white Calvin Klein boxers.

Looking up at the Digital clock I see it's fucking 10:00pm already. Well I've got nothing left to do I have no plans for tomorrow so I might as well go sleep.

Strolling to my bed i yawn. My head wonders, court what am i being sued for now. Surely they don't know? That we ain't just ordinary busy men? Laying down on my bed I throw the covers . Jumping under the silk cover sends shivers through my spine when the coldness of it rubs my skin.

Closing my eyes I drift into a deep sleep.


Hmmm I donttt knowww Hugo but get your bitch ass up now..

ANYWAY I WAS ON TIKTOK and saw someone was excited to see this.. i kinda feel bad. Not really. Only generous, so i said to ClaudiaBrealey If they think i should post the first chapter... the rest you can wait like originally planned! <3

Just take this as somet to keep you going enjoy

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