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You know how they say that an Alpha always leads a pack, well its not always like that.
Chapter 1

" I cant let this happen". Karana told herself. "If I do, I'll be kicked out of the clan, then where will I go? what will happen to my family? where will I stay? I cant let this happen, I have alot to lose". She gathered all the strength she had left and started to walk to where she remembered leaving her car. While walking, she heard movements around, leaves rustling, branches and twigs breaking, and she had a very bad feeling,like as if something bad was about to happen. She looked around nervously, wiping sweat off her brow and shouted, "who's there?", no answer, she shouted again, got no answer and thought it was her imagination playing tricks on her, she heard movements again and this time decided to run, but due to her wound, she was quite slow. She stopped to rest but coz of losing so much blood, she fainted.

A few years ago
I was getting late for school and I had a test today, one that determined half my grades, I couldnt miss it. I took a quick bath, dressed and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. I had a bowl of cereal and toast and ate really fast, almost choking on my food and ran out the door. I ran all the way to school, which was about two blocks from my house. I crossed the road, almost got knocked by a car but I didnt care, I had to make it to school on time, and I had only 5 minutes. I made it with just a minute to spare and when I burst into class, I shouted "made it". All eyes turned to me and I realized I shouldnt have announced my arrival. I walked to my seat and sat down. The cheer leaders behind me were giggling and saying something about my hair but I was in such a good mood, I didnt care. The test was quite challenging, so I answered all I could. The bell rang and I got out to have lunch, since school was over,(we only had the test that day), I decided after lunch to go for a walk in the woods. I went to the cafeteria, grabbed an apple, an energy bar and juice, (since I was a vegeterian), and got a seat in the back. My best friend Tamara hadnt shown up today, so I sat alone. I was an only kid and my parents were usually not around, so I had the house to myself. I got out of school and ran to the woods, sat down and read a book about a girl with the energy of a star trapped in her body. It was getting late so I decided to pack up and go home. And thats the day my whole life changed. As I walked in the woods, I heard movements but I didnt care, many people walked in these woods, so it was probably a dude taking his dog for a walk. How wrong I was to think that, coz in that moment a cheetah lunged towards me and coz I was scared, I ran with all I had but my wobbly, long legs were no match for the cheetah's. It pinned me down and scratched my arm, but something scared it and it ran away. The rest of the walk home, I was wondering what scared the cheetah away but couldnt get any logical explanations. I got home, washed the wounds, which were suprisingly not deep and bandaged them. I was tired and I decided to retire for the night. The next day was my 18th birthday, and since I had only one friend, Tamara, I called her over for a girl's day. We watched many movies, repeated all TEEN WOLF seasons, had food and water fights, and did a lot of crazy staff. I walked her back home and by the time I got back to my own house, an hour had passed. When I got home, my house was crowded, which was rare coz I barely had friends and my parents rarely held meetings at the house. All faces were unfamiliar except Tamara. I looked at her with a questioning look but she just looked down. "We need to talk". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
" Am I in trouble?" "Sit down young lady, u dont talk to your mum while standing". I obeyed. "You've turned eighteen", my dad started, "and u should know, as is our family's culture, we initiate all eighteen year olds into "the Clan", and you're no exception. These people are here to do just that". I gave him a questioning look. " The Clan is a committee that initiates new vampires, and each leads a state and makes sure all vampires in their states are safe." "You know vamps arent real dad it was just someone's imagination, u know, is this some kind of prank?" I asked. My mom mumbled something to herself and a woman, who looked like their leader said" we'll prove it". In a flash she was by my side, with eyes red and fangs out, and just like that, she was back. "Do u believe now?" she asked, I nodded. "Good, now its time for the initiation" , "what? now?" I asked, I just kept mumbling on," U just told me I'm some kind of animal, and vampires, who existed only in my dreams are real, and before u explain all this u want me to join a group I dont know and" " Relax" my mom told me, tapping my back, and wiping my tears, I hadn't realized I was crying, " everything's gonna be alright". "Its too much to take in", "I know, but you'll get a hang of it, I promise, and we're here to help u". The leader's voice startled every one, " we need to do this before midnight". "what?, she went through a trauma and you're telling her to go through another one? dont u have a heart?" my mom screamed. "We need to do this Jenny, it has to be done, u know the rules" my dad intervened. " Fine" my mum said. "All vamps gather round the girl" the leader boomed, then all gathered except my mum, who just gave a distance, "why are'nt u here mum?" I asked " she's not a vamp" the leader said, at my confused look she continued, "she's a werewolf" " I thought vamps and werewolves were enemies", "she's an exception, my son was so in love with her, I had to let it happen, it was the only thing that could make him happy". I looked at my dad and asked"she's your mum?", a nod was what I got as a reply. Then the leader revealed a big wine cup and a knife, as she was about to cut me, I asked"will it hurt?", she just gave me a blank expression. "way to go grandmother" I mumbled to myself but was cut off with a sharp pain in my arm, I winced. They poured all the blood from my arm into the cup, which was passed around and everyone in the circle drank from it. After they all drank, they started chanting, "Eri meresu kahatu ma", they chanted over and over again. Their legs started lifting off the ground, their eyes changed, their voices got deeper, and then suddenly, I felt sharp pain in my stomach and started wringing on the floor in pain, the louder they got, the severe the pain, and by now they were shouting at the top of their voices. The pain became too much, I couldnt breathe, then everything went blank.

Hey, thanks for reading the first chapter of my first book,hope u liked it.

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