Chapter 2 (Turned)

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         I woke up in a really, really dark room. I was wondering what had happened and why I was in such a room, then...... everything came rushing back. "THE INITIATION" I shouted, what had happened after that, I couldnt remember. I looked around, but I couldnt see anything. I couldnt move, it was like I was in a coffin. "A coffin" I said aloud, in the vampire books I read, they kept new turned vamps in a coffin, in the ground, before they woke up, so I thought maybe thats where I was, and I was right, for a few days later, after shouting my lungs out and hitting the coffin as much as I could, some one came and started digging. He pulled the coffin out of the ground, and opened its door. I got out, glad to be able to stretch, and before I could say thank u, he disappeared. I hadnt seen his face clearly, but I knew he had long, brunette hair. I wanted to look around for him some more but I was too happy to finally be outside to care.

I was still wondering what had happened to me after the initiation and wondering where to go next, when I saw a note on the ground, one my 'saviour' had left me. It had directions to a place I had never heard of, Lincoln Street. I could see what looked like an opening at the far end. I walked up to it and saw the tunnel. It looked so dark I couldnt see anything. "Hello" I shouted into the tunnel, my answer was an echo. I sat down wondering if I should go inside or not , I knew if I did, there was a chance of never getting out, and if I stayed, I would never get out of here. Making the decision to stay or go wasnt easy, who would want to walk right into their doom? So I decided to stay a little longer, and see what happens. A few questions though that plagued my mind were 'what happened to me after I was initiated?' Did I change?, why wasnt I feeling any different? werent vamps supposed to be blood thirsty? I asked myself. I spent a week (or so I thought) looking around for another exit, anything except the tunnel, I dreaded it. What if there were weird animals? or worse, cannibals. I couldnt take that chance. At the end of what I thought was a week (since there was no way I could tell the time), I entered the tunnel and into a massive spider web with slime. I screamed. I had never felt anything so gooey on my face before and I hated my first experience. I walked for 4 days, or so I thought, without food or water, but to my suprise, my strength didnt wane, I didnt feel hungry or thirsty. I continued walking without ant weird experiences, till one day, after what felt like months of walking, I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, so agonizing I couldnt continue walking. I stopped to rest and after a while, I felt able to walk again, but as soon as I stood, the pain was back, this time 2 times worse. The pain was too unbearable, I blacked out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

An evil laugh woke me up and I bumped my head on the roof of something, a cage. I wondered how I got there but all I remembered was the pain. I heard the evil laugh again, this time nearer, and I shivered. It was that kind of laugh that most villains tried to perfect but couldnt, and she had, perfectly and it scared me. I looked around to get a clear view of her but only caught a glimpse of her back side. She was wearing a long, black cloak, and long, black hair and a golden cane that was about 5 feet with a golden moon and star on top. I was still examining her when I heard a mind-splitting scream. "Dinner's ready" she said. During the time I was staring at her, she had moved to a nearby cage and grabbed a ten-year old girl and bitten off her leg. I could see the girl's face, her eyes pleading for me to help her, but I couldnt. I was locked up. I watched her being eaten alive and knew right away that what I saw was going to haunt my dreams ( if vamps had any). Then the most shocking thing happened, the witch looked right at me and said "you're next". I shivered, not from her words, but her cold, hard stare. She turned and left to what I thought was her throne and sat. She sent her minions to get me out of my cage, and to her. After I was out, I was happy to be free, but at the same time, I was headed for my doom. I could see the place clearly now. It was filled with cages, and sadly, all were full. Before getting to the witch's throne, I passed by many cages, seeing both familiar and unfamiliar faces. I passed by one and almost collapsed. The cage contained Angelina Jolie. She looked so pale, like she hadnt eaten in ages, so weak, so vulnerable, so helpless. Helpless, the word rang in my head. Helpless, thats what I was, and I hated every second of it. By this time we had reached her. "I'm Dahel, regina autem hypogeum, for what reason did you enter my territory?" At my confused look, she let out a frustrated sigh and started explaining. "Its Latin for gueen of underground structure, why are u humans so slow?" A shrug was all she got from me. "Anyway, what did u enter my tunnel for?" I didnt know what to say. I couldnt tell her about the initiation, or the clan or that weird place I was before entering the tunnel. "The Clan" she said, " tell me more". I was startled, how did she know what I was thinking. "I have mind-reading abilities u know" she said. I couldnt believe it, or could I? I had found out that vampires and werewolves exist, was this so hard to believe? I asked myself. "Of course it isnt, u know of Jenny and Artaxes Craang?" she asked. " Those are my parents" I blurted out. I regretted it right away, due to the smirk on her face. "I see, how old are u again?" "18" "Mmhhhmmmm, so I guess you've met Lora, the leader?" That was my grandma, I was suprised she had such a cool name, but on the other hand I wasnt, the woman looked like she was twenty!! She chuckled at my thought. For a moment, I had forgotten she could read minds. "How do u know them?" I asked. "Jenny's my sister". "Sister?" I screamed. She said it as if it was normal. My mom never told me she had a sister, I felt so angry, but on the other hand, I didnt blame her, we didnt exactly have the ideal mother-daughter relationship. "So she didnt tell u about me?" she asked. "Oh of course she did, thats why I almost screamed my lungs out when u told me!", I shouted at her. Then rolled my eyes. "We'll continue this conversation another time, take her away", she ordered. And thats my new found aunt for u, I thought as I was being dragged away. " Way to go sis, didnt even tell your daughter about me, I'm your twin for shouting out loud! But anyway, its my problem for having such high hopes in u after what u did!." Dahel muttered to herself, before banging her fist on the table. They put me in the same cage with Angelina Jolie, our best actress (me and Tamara). I was going to tell Tamara about it first thing after I got out of here, if I ever did. One of the minions kept on bringing for us water, and for the first few times, Angelina grabbed the cup and finished all the water, I didnt mind, it was good doing something for some one u admired after all. We spent days in the cage, with a minion bringing us food, hardly enough to feed a baby, and another one bringing extra, we guessed the second was bringing us food against the rules, for he was always fidgeting. One time as we were eating, Angelina spoke, "You know they never did this till you came along", " They didnt?" I asked. She shook her head, "no, you must be quite special", she said with a smile, " special indeed" I muttered to myself. And thats when my aunt decided to show up. Well, well, dont we all look cozy" she said, "oh yeah, we are a happy bunch" I answered in my sarcastic tone. She chuckled. "We're quite sarcastic, aren't we?, anyway, we need to talk". "We have nothing to talk about", I answered. "Yes we do, about your parents," "why are u so hell bent on talking about my parents, what's your problem with them?" I asked. She gave me an icy stare, a glare, but nothing prepared me for what she said next. "I was supposed to be your mother" she said. I froze. We stood for a few minutes, just staring at each other. "Open for me" I told the minions. They didnt budge. I told them again, but they didnt even move. "Open the damn door, you stupid minions" I screamed. Nothing happened. I was so frustrated I was sure I had horns on my head and a flaring nose. Then my aunt started laughing, so hard she was rolling on the floor, clutching her stomach. I watched her, suprised, stunned, words couldnt describe what I felt. She finally stood. "Wow, I didnt know you had it in u", I said. " I have my moments". she answered. "Open for her" she answered. They opened in a flash. At my confused look, She explained,"They dont take orders from anyone else." I got out. We started walking towards what she told me was her office. The place was huge, I had to give it that, with the hallways lit up with lanterns. Finally, I got the courage to ask the question on my mind. I wasnt one who failed to speak what was on my mind, but this, this scared me. "So...... about that statement earlier........." I trailed off. "Thought you'd never ask, but let's first get to my office." I nodded. We got there in less than a minute, or so I thought. I had lost track of time, and the walls without clocks didnt help. When I entered, I was amazed at the interior, it was enormous, with leather furnishings and another section of books. I looked at her, she didnt look like a bookworm, she looked like a cheerleader. I examined her, she looked just like my mum, her cheekbones, her body structure, except her mole on the right cheek, which my mum had on the left cheek. Then it hit me, they were twins. " Are u done ogling me" she asked. I put my head down in embarassment, she chuckled. "Its okay and yes we are twins, identical actually". "I noticed" I answered,my head still down. " Have a seat", she said. I sat across from her, still embarrassed after my ogling session, I kept my head down. " Are u going to do this the whole time?" she asked. " Well, I........" I trailed off. We sat for a few minutes, "I'm waiting", she said. " Can u tell me of your history with my parents?" I asked. "Of course" she said.

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