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Existing father's office with Mr. Rengoku, you were very reluctant on making small talk with him. Though he seemed to have a pretty comforting air to him, you were not planning to make things easy for him. You stay silent as he escorted you to the elevator. Mr. Rengoku kept a sweet gentle smile on his face when looking at you. It almost felt like he was looking at you as if you were a child. You press the button to the lobby and waited in a corner away from him with your arms crossed. You stole a glance at him when you heard him humming to the elevator music. You sighed softly leaning against the wall of the elevator. This guy seems to be a bit odd. Once the elevator came to a stop, you made sure to walk out first just to be assertive. He stood there for just a moment and followed just behind you. Once outside you stop writing in your tracks looking around for your butler Giyuu's car.

"Your father sent him to return to the estate. You will be writing with me in my car Miss y/n." He explained seeing the confusion on your face.

"How come I was not...never mind." You were tired of being annoyed at this point. "You can take me anywhere then correct?" You glare at him.

Still ignoring your attitude he replies, "Why of course! Anywhere you want miss y/n!" He then pulls out his keys from his chest pocket inside his suit to unlock his car. Your eyes moved toward the car to see a black Rolls Royce off a bit to the side of the building. You were a bit surprised that it was his car since you did not expect bodyguards to make much money. The car looked fresh from the car wash and not even the slightest crash in sight!

You think for a moment for a place may be populated so, that maybe you could get away from the big dummy. "The mall! Take me there!" You ordered.

Mr. Rengoku took her to the car and open the back passenger side door for her. You have been in a few fancy cars but, the smell in this one was very different. It had a smell of wood and charcoal almost like a campfire. A small smile grew on your face when the memories of going camping with your parents before the rise of the company. Once you were inside, he closed your door and head off to the 2driver side of the car. Before he got in, he took a moment to adjust his suit. You couldn't help but check out his low-angle side profile. His Smile spoke confidence, had a nice strong jawline, and even though the suit was hiding most of the good you could see he had a pretty good waist on him. You sigh a little disappointed in yourself that you were a bit (very) attracted to him. As he gets in the car you make sure to pull your phone out to pretend you were doing something else. "Oh perfect Miss y/n! If you would give me your number that would be great!"

"D-do I have to?" You furrowed your eyebrows a bit.

"Well if you do Miss y/n... I may be able to give you a bit more privacy as we are in the mall." He turned slightly to look at you with a smirk.

Your eyes lit up with joy. "Really? Here it's..."

"Got it. Don't worry it will only be for emergencies."
Once to the mall, he pools into the parking lot garage. You look around seeing all the families, friends, and couples walk in a nod out of the building. Next time you will ask Mitsuri, one of the maids you were good friends with, to come with you. As soon the car stops you unbuckle your seat and head to open the door but, ya realize he was already standing in front of the door scoping the area. Damn, he's fucking fast. Mr.Rengoku opens the door and reaches a hand out to help you out of the car. "Tsk I'm not a grandma ya don't need to help me out the car..." she grunts at him as she pushes his hand away.

"My apologies Miss y/n! I'll want to treat you with the utmost respect!"

"We'll number one could you speak more quietly you are too loud and cut the Miss out when ya say my name. What time do ya live in?" She nagged hun as she hopped out of the car taking the door from him and slamming it.

He stood there unsure of why you were so upset. "I'm sorry if I was being too formal. We are close in age after all." He stood out your way as you got out of the car and headed to the Pillard's bookstore entrance.

It has been about a year since you have been to the mall actually. Not for the newly found reason though. You have been entered in the arts of Amilon purchasing as well as custom orders. Made yourself into a hermit crab without thinking. Shaking the thought out of your mind, You remember the purpose of coming here was to make a mindless purchase or two to get your mind off things. You stood by some warm-colored dresses and, casually browsed through. Scanning some glances into your peripheral and, noticed wasn't in sight. "I guess he is keeping his word", you mumble to yourself. Since fall was near, looking for something more mature with a cute flair was in thought.

Pillard's was just junk. Most of the dresses just wouldn't fit your figure correctly. Is it so hard to make clothes for your body type?  Well, it was the first store so, you were not expecting too much. Heading out to the main hub the mall you pass buys a ton of kiosks and, boy were they just as annoying as you remembered.

"Ma'am you must try this!"

"My lady this would look wonderful!"

"Can I have a moment of your time?!"

The shoo motion of your hand was enough for most of them. You thought to yourself that maybe having Mr.Himbo close wasn't such a bad idea. Rummaging in your messenger person for your phone, you accidentally bump into a stand of wooden trinkets.

"Oh no, ma'am you seem to have broken one of my items" the kiosk man sobbed. The acting was very poor on his side.

"What are you talking about? I apologize for bumping into the stand but, no need for lies." The man took a Brocken wooden cat figure from behind his back. You could tell what was going on write then and there. The corner of your lips curl and twitch trying not to laugh in this scammer's face. 

"Ma'am these take a long time to make," he said. Yes, ordering hundreds of these fake trinkets from Mish must take forever. "Maybe you could speak to your father about compensating me for the damage?"

"M-my father?" You take a step back as your face dropped.

"Your father is a very wealthy man I'm sure he could take care of the expenses and emotional trauma you have bestowed upon me!" This guy is giving you the mad creeps. You begin to pull your phone out of your bag when the man grabs your wrist.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Just before you jerked your hand away, you notice his grip was already released follow by his scream in pain. As you stumble back a bit, you stand there stunned to see Mr.Rengoku standing right behind the man. He towered over the crazed man with his arm restrained by Rengoku. The whacko didn't stand a chance compared to him. Mr.Rengoku was almost lifting him right off the ground with just one hand with a calm simple smile on his face. "Holy shit...", you whisper under your breath.

"LET ME GO! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON!!" The man's struggle was useless in Rengoku's grip.

He squeezed the man's wrist even tighter. You could the veins popping on his hand and a bit on his face even though he still smiling calmly. With a burst of booming laughter, he finally spoke to the man looking straight into his eyes. "I think it is time for you to vacate the premises don't you think?" All the man could muster up now was a violent nod. His face was white in fear. Letting the man drop to the floor and scurry off like a rat, Mr. Rengoku goes to check on you.

Though your wrist did hurt a little bit, you were fine and had enough adventuring for today. He took both his hands to caress your wrist, examining for any bruising. You were a little scared but, you didn't want to show it. "Hmph, that creep didn't leave even a scratch" you huffed. Even your arms were trembling. Rengoku gave you a smirk and kneeled on one knee before.

"Forgive me y/n." His tone is a bit lower than usual. His thumbs rubbed gentle circles on your hand. "I didn't realize how strong you were." Rengoku's eye contact was impeccable.

"Grrr why you...g-get up! People are gonna think you're proposing or something!" You moved your hand away completely away from him. The flustered face was on the max level and, you were not going to allow him to see it. "H-hurry up and take me home!"

Rengoku gave her a gentle smile and honestly wanted to pat her on the head. Though he didn't want to overstep your boundaries of course. A friendly pat on the shoulder would have to make due for now. "Of course, let's get you home y/n!"

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