The meeting

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It was an hour or two later after recovery girl had done her thing Deku was just now waking up "well well well look who finally woke up" bakugou said sitting in the chair in the room Izuku was in "I guess I have to go talk to aziawa about this" "you got that right" "but-" "no buts Deku you have to talk to him about it you have no choice he said so" "fine I guess I will" they get released and are now in aziawas office "so problem child tell me what has happened" "I-I can't" Deku says cuddled up to bakugou "please puppy tell aziawa what happened" "I can't I will get hurt even more" "I can go out of the room and you can tell bakugou" aziawa suggested "s-sure" "ok I will be out in the hallway" aziawa leaves the room "ok puppy please tell me what happened" "ok so you know how k-kirishima I-is an a-alpha right" Izuku said in a shaky voice "yes I do why" "we'll he wanted to be my a-alpha but I said no Bc I like you and he did not like that so he said that he would hurt you and I said no and told him to come after me instead s-so after t-that e-every time I'm a-alone h-he h-hurts me" Deku said crying bakugou hugged him tightly "hey hey hey it's ok I'm here for you I'm not going anywhere ok" "ok" bakugou called aziawa back in and explain "HE DID WHAT" "you heard me clearly he is hurting Deku and he has enough to worry about with school and training" Deku had fallen asleep in bakugous arms so he heard nothing bakugou had taken Deku back to the dorm aziawa said not to let Deku open the door and only a few friends can be with them and after he talked to kirishima he would be at their dorm to talk to them kaminari and Mina were in the dorm talking to them bakugou heard a knock at the door he got up and put his ear to the door he heard "stupid nerd open the door I know your there" come from Kiri on the other said bakugou ran to Deku and said "puppy I need you to go to my room and get in the closet please" "ok but ummm why" "well shitty hair is at the door looking for you" "oh ok" Deku ran to bakugous room and got in the closet like he said bakugou asked kaminari and Mina to be cool he went back to the door and opened it "what is you need shitty hair" "where is Deku at" "he left to go get some food why" "I told you to get your stuff and leave kirishima" they heard aziawa say walking closer to the dorm room "fine" and Kiri left "where is he" "in my room I will go get him" Aziawa-Sensei told Deku the Kiri is expelled and is moving to the USA 

I am so so sorry I have been so busy with school and family stuff again I'm so so sorry this is out late I hope you enjoyed this chapter of my book have a wonderful day/night whatever time it is where you are

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