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      Neither of them slept well that night

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      Neither of them slept well that night. Bella feared she'd freeze to death, and Steve couldn't find a somewhat comfortable position to sleep in. To say they were tired was an understatement. But still, when Steve woke up this morning, after merely two hours of sleep, he thought she was beautiful. With her hair falling into her face, her mouth slightly opened, and her hands, which seemed to have reached out to him during the night, he had never seen a more beautiful person. 

      When she started to move, he tore his eyes away from her, pretending just to wake up himself. Although they had a moment last night, he was afraid. Afraid, that he had ruined their friendship by complimenting her. Because he had never told her before the road trip. It was not that he didn't find that she was pretty, he just was too shy to say it. Unrequited feelings truly are the worst. 

      "Steve?" Her voice was so raspy she had to clear her throat. He opened his eyes and looked in her sleepy ones. "Morning," he said, morning voice as well. "What time is it?" He looked at the dashboard. "8:45." She nodded and adjusted the hoodie Steve had given her. "What time did the guy say the shop opens again?" Steve opened the foggy window. "Nine, I think." 

     As both got dressed, they thought of the same thing. How her hair had felt on his fingertips, how his eyes had looked so affectionate at her. She really had planned to tell him that moment. The stars, the scene; it had all seemed so perfect. Perfect to confess her feelings for him. He had thought about it, too. Telling her how he feels. But the moment passed, and now they both were unsure how to proceed with things. 

     They walked to the shop in utter silence. Not knowing what to say, Bella had stuffed her hands in the pocket of Steve's hoodie. Did he suspect something? It wasn't that obvious what she was going to say before she got interrupted, was it? Oh god, she thought. He knows! The look he's been giving her all morning, he had to know. 

      Of course, Steve was clueless. He hasn't been looking at her that way because he knew. He didn't suspect a thing. It was merely a look of despair. He should have told her yesterday. Because today, he didn't think he'd have the guts. What if she didn't like him back? He was almost certain that she didn't. 

     Bella cleared her dry throat again. "What did you get Sam?" Breaking the silence, she didn't dare to look at him. "What? Oh, there's this thing for Redwing he wanted, so... that." She nodded awkwardly, not knowing what to answer. "Cool," she then settled for. They proceeded to walk in silence. 

     "What were you going to say yesterday? You know, before we got interrupted." Bella almost choked on her saliva. "What?" Why'd he bring that up? "Uhh, I forgot," she mumbled, praying to God he'd just believe her and let it go. They reached the shop just in time. Steve had no opportunity to respond, Bella had already rushed into the shop and had begun to talk to a mechanic. Steve just couldn't help but think there was more to it. The mechanic took them back to their car. He pulled it back to the shop and after about an hour, everything was fixed. 

      The two friends proceeded their drive in silence. With not even the radio playing, Steve drove down the road while Bella had begun to fidget with her hair. "Okay. What's up?" His voice could've cut the tension with a knife. She looked at him anxiously. This was the first time she did it all day. His face was full of concern and he had a line between his eyebrows only emphasizing it. She sighed. "Nothing," she mumbled. He raised his eyebrows and huffed. "Oh yeah, that totally sounds like nothing." Rolling her eyes, she looked down and began to play with the hem of Steve's hoodie. 

      He decided this was enough. While pulling over, he started to prepare a speech. "What are you doing?" After the engine had been turned off he turned toward her. "Look," he began nervously. Bella gulped. What was he doing? "I'm sorry if I overstepped a line yesterday. I didn't plan to make things this," he gestured between the two of them. "awkward." He smiled sadly. "It's just..." he hesitated. She shifted in her seat to fully face him. "Yeah?" He took a deep breath. Oh, screw it, he thought. 

      "I am in love with you, Bella."

      Startled, Bella just looked at him. He is what? Trying to comprehend what he'd just said, she averted her eyes and gulped. Was he messing with her? He had to because there's no way he... She looked at him again. "Don't mess with me, Steve." He silently shook his head, he didn't mess with her. "I-" she closed her mouth again. 

      He sank back into his seat. She didn't like him back. God, he was such an idiot. Now their friendship was ruined and it was all his fault. He stroked his hair back and sighed. "Sorry," he mumbled. Not even looking at her, he went to start the car again, when her hand grabbed his mid-air and stopped it. He looked up into her eyes. "Don't be." That's all she said before pulling him in.

     When their lips met, it was like the world stopped. His hand went to cup her face and pulling her even closer. She sighed in relief. This was even better than they both had imagined. Better than winning an argument against Tony. Better than the 'Space Mountain' Ride in Disney World. Better than new years fireworks. Better than anything they'd ever experienced. It was a kiss that let the other feel how much they actually had been wanting to do it. It was perfect.

       "I am in love with you, too, Steve," she whispered eventually. His face lit up in happiness. "You mean that?" She nodded and pecked his lips again. "I mean it." She smiled at him and let her hands brush over his arms and shoulders, fixing his crinkled sweater in the process.

      They were, once again, interrupted. This time it was Bella's phone. "Yeah?" It was Sarah. "You guys need to hurry, he's coming in an hour!" Smiling like an idiot, Bella bit her lip. "Alright, we're almost there." Sarah then sighed in relief. "Just make sure to park the car nowhere near the house," she said before hanging up. Steve smiled at her while starting the car. 

      They got there about half an hour later. Steve had parked the car two streets down, so, after taking out the presents for Sam, they walked up to Sarah's house. Standing in front of the door, Steve looked at Bella, who was already looking at him. He held out his hand.

      "Shall we?"

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓔𝓷𝓭.

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