9. Paddock trouble

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It was the morning of  free practice and as Daniel texted, an assistant showed up at Jenny's door with some clothes and a paddock pass. Everything went really smooth, Jenny got into the paddock with no problem and she immediately changed in Daniels room.  When she was getting dressed Danny walked into the room"OMG DANIEl GET OUT" Jenny screamed.  "Jenny, I am so sorry. I didn't know you were in here but you know this is my dressing room you know" Danny said while laughing and closing the door. 

As the two of them walked through the paddock, one of the PR-assistant that was still managing Daniels page made a picture of them and posted it on Daniels Instagram with the caption: "So happy to have this lovely girl in the paddock with me this weekend @JennyJohnson


Free practice started and Jenny didn't really look at her phone because she was so invested in watching Daniel race. She was also thinking about the crazy past couple of days. She started out hating the guy, but right now she was wondering if she might liked him for real... 

when free practice 1 ended Jenny walked back to Daniels room and checked her social media there. She couldn't believer her eyes... She waited till Daniel came in the room and immediately started talking to him. 

J: "I can't believe you agreed to meet me again just because of good publicity... You promised to keep me out of the media. I can't go through that again."
as Jenny showed Daniel the picture on Instagram. 

D: "what are you talking about, I did not post that. It was one of the assistants. He chill, Come here"
Daniel tried to give Jenny a hug but she did not want to hear it and said 

J: "Hold up, I am not done with talking yet. I get trashed on social media just to be seen with you, but I don't say anything rude about you because you are dealing with enough paparazzi already. Then we talk about it and actually have a great time. I truly haven't had a connection with anyone like this in a REALLY long time and then I hear it was all just a lie.That you just wanted to meet with me for media attention, while I asked you really clear to keep me out of this shit.  Tell me Danny how the F do you want me to stay chill and I ... I don't know what else to facking say. You are just smiling this all away"

Jenny gave one last look at Daniel with tears in her eyes and stormed out of the motor home. 

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