Driving Lesson

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I dedicate this fanfic to my friend Jessie, who you can thank for giving me this idea.
Love you Jessie, you’re the Vanessa to my Kendra I never knew I needed.

“I’m never doing that again!” Kendra yelled.
“Why not?” Warren replied, equally loud.
“Why not? Why not? Because we almost died!”
“It wasn’t that bed!”
“You kept yelling at me, and that’s when it got bad!”
“I was making constructive suggestions!”
“How is ‘you’re going to kill us’ constructive?”
“It was in the moment!”
“Both of you shut up,” Vanessa said. Finally getting too tired of them. “Kendra, I told you Warren is a terrible teacher. Warren, I told you not to traumatize Kendra. I will teach her how to drive.”
“What?” They both said at the same time.
“I’m teaching Kendra how to drive. Tomorrow.” Vanessa said, standing up. “Rest up, Kendra, tomorrow you’ll be a pro at driving.” And then she left the room.

“Put the car into drive,” Vanessa said.
“Now start driving.”
They were in a big parking lot at night so that there was very little chance of hitting anything. But still, Vanessa could feel the nervous energy radiating off of Kendra. That needed to change if this girl was going to be able to drive. Kendra pressed down on the gas and almost immediately slammed on the breaks.
“Sorry,” She squeaked.
“It’s fine to try again.”
Kendra slowly pressed down on the gas peddle again and started driving.
“Good now, try making a turn,” Kendra was a natural. “Try parking in that spot over there,” Vanessa said, pointing to it.
Kendra pulled into the spot, a little over the line, but with some practice, she would be perfect.
“You’re doing great.”
“Really?” Kendra asked.
“Definitely. See how easy it is without someone yelling at you?”
Yeah, Warren isn’t the best teacher,”
“I told you. Try speeding up a bit and do that again, then we can try something a little more fun.” Vanessa said with a smirk.
“Wouldn’t we need one of your cars or that?”
“We’ll make do with this one,” Vanessa said as Kendra started a new faster loop around the parking lot, and Vanessa could finally feel Kendra’s nervous energy melt away.

Warren was sitting in the living room at Fablehaven, waiting for Vanessa and Kendra to get back from their driving lesson. It wasn’t that he wanted Kendra to never drive it's that he didn’t want Vanessa to be right. He would never hear the end of it. It’s a little difficult when both you and your girlfriend always wanted to be right.
It was a few minutes later when he heard a car coming up the driving way. When he peeked out the window, it was clear Vanessa was driving from the one-eighty she did when she pulled in. Warren went out on the front porch to greet them. But when they got out of the vehicle, it was Kendra in the driver's seat!
“What the heck?” Warren said, dumbfounded.
“Turns out, I just needed a different teacher,” Kendra said. As she and Vanessa walked up on the porch.
“Don’t feel too bad honey, we both know I’m the one who’s good with cars,” Vanessa patted Warren on the shoulder as the two of them went inside, leaving Warren on the porch speechless.

A/N Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Please vote and comment if you liked this one shot. :)))

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