Secret Rendezvous

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A/N This fic takes place in between RotES and SotDS when Seth and Kendra were being watched over by the Knights of the Dawn. I dedicate this story to my friend Erin, I hope you like what I did with the idea. It means a lot to be able to call you my friend, love you so much! <3

Kendra threw her backpack at the end of her bed then moved the window and opened it. Trina, her friend from school, had passed her a note saying to meet her at the park a few blocks away from Kendra's house after school.

Kendra knew Elise was guarding the street today, but she knew how to get past her. At least she hoped she did. Last time Kendra had checked Tanu was also on watch but she hadn't seen him today so he was probably watching over Seth.

Normally Kendra wouldn't ditch her bodyguards; they were there for her protection.

But on this occasion, meeting with Trina, she didn't want an audience. Because little did anyone know Kendra had had a crush on Trina since 5th grade. Trina has always been there for her, even before highschool when Kendra was an outsider. Trina's note had been cryptic enough she didn't really want an audience. And depending on what Trina wanted to talk about Kendra had decided she was going to tell Trina how she felt.

Even after everything she had gone through over the last summer this was probably the scariest thing she had ever done.

Trying not to think about it, Kendra hopped over the fence, falling a little awkwardly on the other side. Making sure to keep out of sight from the street where she knew Elise was on watch, Kendra proceeded on her way to the park.

Looking around Kendra didn't see Trina so she sat on a bench and waited.

"Kendra?" a voice from behind her said, making her jump a bit, Kendra turned around to find Tina.

"Trina, there you are."

"Sorry, got hold up at home," Trina tucked her curly hair behind her ear nervously.

"What did you want to talk about?"
Well, I've been wanting to tell you something, but I don't want it to change anything between us. You're my best friend, you know that."
"I do," Kendra said, a bit nervous now.

"At first I thought I just loved having you as a friend, you're so important to me. It's only recently I realized that you mean much more than that to me."
She almost gasped, could Trina really be saying what Kendra thought she was?

"Oh?" Kendra said, trying not to get her hopes up.

"I like you Kendra, and not as a friend." Trina said, then looked down at her hands when Kendra didn't say anything. Not being able to think of the coherent response Kendra gently turned Trina's face towards hers. Leaning in, she presses her lips to Trina's.

She wanted to stay like this forever. Who knew someone's lips could be so soft. But eventually they pulled away.

"I like you too," Kendra said, smiling brightly.

Kendra bid her friend- girlfriend? She bid Trina goodbye with the promise to talk soon.

When a car started to slow down next to Kendra, ready to blot she teased. But when the window rolled down she was met with a familiar face.

"Fancy seeing you here," Warren said with a sly smile.

"When did you switch with Tanu?"
"Just today actually," Warren said, taking his sunglasses off to look at her.

"Did you?" Kendra asked, wondering how much he had seen.

"Follow you from the house? Yeah, remind me to teach you how to sneak out. Get in."
"You think I'm going to let you walk home alone? Get in the car,"
With a defeated sigh Kendra walked around the car and got in the passenger seat. Had he been watching the whole time? Kendra didn't know if she wanted to be out to anybody yet, she had really only just come out to herself. The label Bisexual fit her well, since she knew she also liked boys.

"Do you want to talk about that back there?" Warren asked, breaking the silence.

"You saw?"
"I can forget it if you want me to,"

She thought about that for a moment. She trusted Warren, he was a reliable friend, a trustworthy one. She felt safe with him, she could trust him with this.

"No it's fine," she said with a sigh. "I'm Bi."
"Thank you for trusting me with that Kendra." Warren said, looking over at her softly.

"Keep it quiet though? I don't know if I'm ready for everyone to know yet."
"My lips are sealed." He said, miming locking his lips and throwing the key out the window.

"Thank you," Kendra said.

"Wanna tell me about her?"
Kendra smiled and proceeded to tell Warren all about Trina until they were close enough for Kendra to sneak back to her house.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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