When He's A Perv.

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Joke time!!

Teacher: kids it's better to fail than to cheat
Me: Bitch it's better to cheat than to repeat.

(I know my jokes suck ass just bare with me)

You had just woke up from a nice sleep to find that Jeff isn't beside you. "Oh well." you thought. "I need to shower anyways. I think you can see where this is going.... So you close the door and get in the shower. "Shit" you thought. I forgot to get a towel. You leave the water running dash out of the shower and grab a towel. Just then the door knob turns. "shit." You thought. Before you had the time to run back to the shower the door opened. Jeff saw you and started to apologize and walk out but he stopped. Dammnnn (Y/N). He started. He just stared. GET.OUT.NOW. You said. But... He started. No. you said firmly. Feeling defeated he hung his head and walked out. You chuckled. That boy.... 

                               BEN Drowned

It was a nice summer day out so you and Ben went to the pool. Ben, being afraid of water, Sat as far away from the pool as possible. You laughed. "What?" "you look like a little kid your all shaky."You said with a chuckle. "Oh.." he said. "Awwww did i make little Benny sad??" You said He didn't speak. You sighed. Well I'm getting in the pool. You dove into the water and swam around.After a while you got out and asked Ben to hand you a towel. "Why do you need a towel?" He asked with a smile. "Cause I'm soaking wet." "..... that's what she said..." He said and started laughing. "Just hand me the f*cking towel Benjamin. "Oh feisty i like it." Ben said with a smile. You walked to him slapped him and got your towel. That boy....

                 *(A/N) I want you guys to tell me if i should keep The Rake on here or nah'!!!!

               The Rake

You were walking in the woods, trying to find the rake. You were playing hide and seek and after you found him he ran." Ugh... Rake Get your Skinny ass back here!!!!!!" you yelled. You heard someone (Rake) laugh. If you were in a cartoon you would have steam coming out of your ears. You saw some thing move and then The Rake was standing in front of you. Most people would scream and run because he wasn't in his human form but you were to angry to care. "Whats your name Ma'am?" Rake said politely. "You know my name Rake.""Well i might not know your name but mines  Rake Remember that cause you'll be screaming it tonight." He said with a big grin. "You are un f*cking believable." you said but you were laughing on the inside." Lets go home." He said then he picked me up and ran. "That boy..." you thought.

Sonic exe.

You were playing a video game when Sonic walked through the door.  Hi. you said You got a grunt for a reply. "Ugh" you thought This again. "Whats wrong Sonic?" You asked. He looked you in the eyes and walked up to you. (A/N) this one's going to be short) He grinned and said" Your clothes are bothering me, Will you take them off??" "Sonic."you paused. You stood up and got in his face." You interrupted my video game and made me die just so you could make that joke?!" Yes I did and i think that went quite well"  He said with a big grin. He kissed you for the first time then walked away. You stood there dumbfounded. That boy....

                      Lost Silver

A/N) This should be fun :)

(Y..Y..Y/N)? Silver stuttered. "Ya?" You replied. "D-Do you want t-to go to my house?" He said. "Sure." I replied. So you guys left your house and drove to slendy's mansion. "(A/N) someone tell me that's where he lives?"

"Hello??" You yelled as you opened the door. The door was unlocked so someone had to be home. "S-slendy??!! You H-Home??" Silver yelled.No reply. " Well i live here to so i think i-it will b-be fine if w-we stay." Silver said.  "C-come here i wanna show you my r-r-room." He said. You were exited. You had never been in Slendy's mansion before." Ya'll walked up stairs and into his room. It was HUGE!!! "So this is where you live!! This is so cool!!!" You said. Silver chuckled "Y-Ya." He had a skeleton hanging in his room. "Is that real?" "You said Nope. Bought I-It  from the S-Store." He said. Hay how many bones do you h-have in your b-b-body (Y/N)? "Um 206 i think." you replied. You heard his said" You wanna have one more.." You started laughing. "Who told you to say that??!!" I said still laughing. U-um.." Before he could finish BEN jumped out of the closet and said" That was Great Silver!!!" Silver looked at me and said"Him." He pointed and Ben. "You sick twisted motherf*cker." You said to Ben. "Well He's the one who said it not me!!" He responded. You sighed. that boy...

(My Favorite!!)

                              Slender f*ckin Man!!

It was your birthday and you had been wanting a rubix cube. Slendy came in to your room with a small box. "Here (Y/N) open it." Slendy said. "Okay but i told you you didnt have to get me anything." You replied. "I know but I wanted to." Slendy said smiling. You opened it to find,,,,"A rubix cube!!! Thank you slendy!!!!" You gave him a big hug. He laughed. "Hay ya know im like a Rubix Cube." He said with a grin."How?" "The longer you play with me. He paused. The harder i get." He started laughing. "Slender Man!!!" You said with a laugh. That boy...

(A/N)-this should be fun!!


You guys were in his room listening to music when Masky came in. "Hay Hoo. Oh am I Interupting something?" "Nah its good." I said. "Hoodie growled. You gave him a questioning look but ignored him. "I was just going to tell Hoodie that We were going to go killing there's a bunch of creeps targeting little girls." "I'll stay."Hoodie said sharply. "Okay." Masky replied backing away and shutting the door. "What was th.." He interupted me by kissing me. You pulled away and wagged your finger at him. "Nope." You said laughing. He sighed. "Then let me go to the bathroom." "Why?" you said confused. He pointed down to his pants. You blushed. "Sicko." He laughed and ran out of the room.


You were taking a shower and there was a knock on the door. "Who is it!!" You yelled. "Masky! can i come in?" He yelled back. "Ya its unlocked im currently in the shower just give me a minute." You yelled back. You heard the door open and close. "Im hungry!!" He yelled. "There's food in the fridge." You replied. "The kind of food i want.."He paused. You heard the bathroom door. "Isn't in the fridge." He shut the door and poked his head into the shower. "MASKY GET OUT!!" You screamed. He started laughing. "Cmon (Y/N). please??" He wimpered. "No." You said laughing. "Fine ill just eat something else."


You and LJ were having a party and you were washing the dishes for the party and LJ was being annoying. "(YYYYY/NNNNN) where are youuuuuu?!??!" "I'm upstairs what do you want?" Jeffrey is here!!" "Ugh I thought the party started at 7 it's only 5:30." You heard someone coming upstairs and LJ poked his head in your door. You were wearing a red dress and some black heals. "Well someone looks beautiful." He said kissing you. He started to take off your dress when you backed up. "C'mon (Y/N) pleeease." "Nope. Now go back to Jeff while I finish getting ready." You said laughing as he walked out with his head down. You heard laughing downstairs and LJ said " Shut up." That boy...

Sorry LJs was crappy but my minds messed up right now so sorry.

(A/N)- I had fun writing this for you guys!!! Hope you enjoyed and i made you laugh!!!


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