When you give him a Boner 0_0.

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Joke time!!!

Ladies stop waiting for Prince Charming go and find him you never know he could be stuck in a tree or something.

Jeffy- You were rocking out in one of Jeff's shirts and you underwear in the kitchen. He walked in to find you playing with his knife. You threw it up in the air and caught it perfectly. He started clapping and it startled you. Not knowing who it was you threw the knife. Jeff caught it just as you did. "Watch where you throw that." He started laughing then he paused and saw what you had on. Or rather what you didn't have on. He checked you out for a minute before you said "Hay Jeff eyes up here." He snapped his eyes back up to you and turned red. You walked towards him and gave him a hug. "Mornin and sorry bout that." N-no it's f-fine." He stuttered. You giggled saying "I'll go put my pants on." "N-no your fine." He said looking at you. You rolled your eyes and said" why?" " Because you're just.. your fine." Then he ran to the bathroom and shut the door behind him. You laughed fairly loud at him. That boy.

Ben Drowned-
Today was you and Ben's 2 month anniversary and you were excited!! Ben had been laughing at you all day for hugging and kissing him and how excited you were. " Calm down Good Lord." He said laughing. You started singing Hay I just met you and this is crazy but here's my number so call me maybe!!" "Oh God I love you (Y/N)." He mumbled. You went into your room and were getting dressed and there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" "Pale Tarzan!!" He yelled laughing. You had called him that for a while now. You smiled and said "Hold on ill be out in a minute." Apparently he didn't hear you because he came barging in. "BEN get out!" "Hay it's not like I haven't seen it bef.." He paused. "Oh." He said with a big smile. "Get out. Now." Demanding,I like it." He said winking at you. "Get out and go fix that." "Huh.. oh." he said turning bright red and looking down Then he bolted out of your room to go fix his "problem."

Slendy- You were walking in the woods with slendy and you climbed up a tree to look eye to eye with him. "(Y/N) what are you doing?" Well I'm not a freaking giant and I wanted to do this." You said kissing him. It got a little heated until He backed up and coughed. "What?" You said. Then you realized what position you were in. You had your hand on his chest and you were hanging on to him with your legs wrapped around him. He sat you down then you understood. You laughed a little then waited for him to "fix." His "problem".
(A/N)- sorry that was crappy but ya know I was in class. Sorry!!)

(A/N)- i have writers block so this might be shitty sorry

You just got back from a really big party when Rake showed up at your door. You had a massive headache but you let him in anyways. "Hay (Y/N) how are y.." " You cut him off by kissing him.( ) "(Y..N) sto..stop. your drunk." "No I'm not it's fine." You slurred. He sighed then tensed up when you brushed your hand over "him"( ) " (Y.) (Y/N) sto..stop." He said through clenched teeth. You giggled but passed out in his arms. He put you to bed and went to fix his "problem." (A/N)- sorry it was short!!!)

Blue Boy- (Sonic)

"Watch me whip, now watch me nae nae!!!" You yelled running around your house at 8 in the morning fixing breakfast. Sonic knocked on your door then opened it to see you running around your house in a bra and his boxers. "

"(Y/N)?" He said seeing you. "Oh hay Sonic!" You yelled. He checked you out and said " Can I help you take those off?" He wiggled his eye brows at you. " No but you can fix that." You said pointing down. "Help me?" He questioned. "No but I can make it worse." You said walking up to him. You kissed him and ran your hands down his jeans and flicked his crotch. "OW!" He yelled running to your bathroom. You laughed hysterically and started breakfast.

( anyone want me to add LJ??? Talk to me in the comments or DM me!!!)

Silvah!!- (A/N)- this should be fun ;)

You guys were watching a movie and you were cuddling on the couch when the phone rang. Shifting around a bit you got up and answered the phone. When you sat back down Silver was tense. "What?" You questioned. "Nuthing." He said. You shrugged and went back to watching the movie. As you were shifting around he tensed up again. "What's wrong silv?" He shook his head and you felt something poke your leg. You started laughing and paused the movie. "You okay Silv?" You said between laughs. He grunted and you stood up. You smiled and he started apologizing when you saw little Silv poking in his pants as he ran to the bathroom.


Everything about you turned Hoodie on. Whether your dance moves or the fact you bite your lip in frustration. Today you were going swimming with him and just to mess with him a bit you wore the most revealing black swim suit you had. You laughed when you walked down the stairs with it on and you saw Hoodies jaw slack a bit. "Your going to catch flies." You said giggling. He snapped his head up when you said that and closed his mouth. "Well come on then." You said grabbing your towel and walking outside. It was a short drive but you were already driving him insane. When you guys got there he was trying to stay calm but you noticed he was tense. "What's wrong babe?" You questioned. "N-Nuthin I'm okay." He said. You bit your lip and he grunted. "What?" You said. Then you realized what was wrong. He had a Boner. "You okay Hoodie." You said laughing. He got up in your face and kissed you. "Your killing me (Y/N)." He said whispering in your ear. He backed away and walked into the bathroom. You giggled and jumped into the pool. Let's just say you teased him the whole day. After you got back home you said "well that was fun." You said winking at him.


You and Masky were going to a party at Slendys and you were getting ready. The party was at 5 and it was 3. You were in the shower and Masky was changing In your room. "Hay Boo will you bring me a towel please." You yelled. "Hold on." He yelled back. You heard footsteps and then the door opened and he handed you a towel. "Thanks Boo." You said rapping the towel around you and stepping out of the shower. "Helloo." He said wiggling his eyebrows. "Ha ha ha now get out " you said. He smiled and walked out. You laughed and got dressed. You wore your purple dress and some black heels. You walked down stairs after doing your make up and putting your hair in a ponytail. "You look g-great." Masky stuttered. You giggled and kissed him. "Well since its 4:30 we need to get going." "Okay then let's go!" You said excited. He laughed and held the door opened for you. When you got to the party Toby (Ticci Toby) suggested truth or dare. "Okay (Y/N) truth or dare." Jeff said. "Dare." You said boldly. " Okay since you and Masky are dating I dare you to give him a lap dance."He said winking at you. Everyone started laughing and you, after drinking a little stood up and gave Masky a lap dance. After wards he ran to the bathroom to fix "his problem" to this day the Boys won't let him live that down.

LJ- (this should be fun)

You and Toby, Jeff, and LJ were going to Six Flags. When y'all got there you went straight to the mini games. LJ walked up beside you and said, "I'm going to win you something." You smiledand said "Yay." After playing darts and winning he gave you a big teddy bear. You kissed him and said, "I love it!" After riding some roller coasters Jeff wanted to go to the water park side. When you got there you went to change into your swim suit. You walked out of the bathroom to find LJ and Jeff without a shirt. You smiled as LJ and Jeffs jaw slacked a little. "Seriously guys close your mouths." Tobi said. I laughed as they closed their mouths. "Well let's go." I said as we walked


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