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"What the hell Clint!" Wanda exclaimed while chasing him around the living area, her sokovian accent pouring.

"Nana nana boo-boo." He laughed while hopping over the couch, escaping her wrath. He had pulled another one of his meaningless pranks, but the ginger wasn't taking it as a joke. She was tired of the jokes he and some others would pull on each other.

Lately, there has been a small feud of a prank war amongst the avengers, mission numbers have declined slightly during this portion of the holiday. It was early December and the avengers had prepared for a fun-filled holiday to come.

She finally caught him and pinned him to the ground, her combat wasn't as good as others since she had her powers to help her. Clint flipped her over and held her arm behind her back. She grunted as her eyes turned red and he was flown five feet away.

"Okay, okay! I retreat. I surrender." He yelled while standing and lifting his hands, fearing things might get taken to another, painful, level. Natasha snorted from the kitchen as she watched the two fight. Steve just shook his head at their ignorance. Bucky was laughing historically at Clint's surrender.

"Fuck you, Clint." She murmured while running some of the goop from her hair, that Clint had managed to plant there.
"I just showered." She whispered, very frustrated with the brunette.

"You have to admit, it was kind of funny." He shrugged while walking back to the kitchen.

"You son of a bitch." She murmured while speed walking over. Vision stood up quickly to hold her back.

"I don't think I've ever heard her curse this much in five minutes," Tony spoke with an amused face, his eyebrows raised.

"Go take a shower. You can demolish him later." Vision whispered while turning her to face the corridor to their rooms. She mumbled incoherently while trudging towards her room. One thing everybody should know by now: don't mess with Wanda in the early morning.

"You did it this time Clint." Sam chuckled while sipping from his cup of coffee. Steve chuckled as well. Clint was breathing dramatically.

"I thought she was gonna kill me this time." He panted while leaning against the counter. Natasha shorted him over and he stumbled away.

"I'd have killed you if it were me. No hesitation." She said with a smirk while chomping into a slice of toast.

"You know you love me." He smiled sheepishly while leaning onto her shoulder. She grumbled and pushed him off, others laughing along.


"доброе утро, мой дорогой. (Good morning, my dear)" Dreykov said while lifting the coffin lid, allowing you to hop out. You stretched slightly as the dried blood split on your back. He seemed unfazed as he guided you towards the door.

"I reviewed your notes. I think it's a good plan. I've selected twelve HYDRA agents to join you. Two ships. Ten of them will be the decoy, two of them will help you transport our dear Natalia." He smiled while walking out of the room, signaling for you to follow. You complied and followed him around the halls. You had no idea what the schedule was or where the other girls were.

"звучит отлично. (Sounds great)" You stated while following him through the halls. You followed him back into a different information lab. This one was more high-tech, the other was only available for training widows, just computers and file cabinets. This one was very advanced. Holograms, laptops, large panel boards with control buttons.

He walked in and pulled up a hologram of the plan, it was like a mini-movie with exactly everything that would go down. You only came in here every blue moon, enjoying the comfort to experience the magic.

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