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"Hello, мое дитя (my child)." Dreykov smiled as you entered his office. Your hands were tied behind your back. The medic had cleared you and they had to lock you for questions.

"Hello." You said monotonously. They had removed you from their activated control. So you were now sitting in front of Dreykov, Ready to explain the past events.

"So Aleksandr... I need you to tell me everything. Exactly what happened." He smiled widely. You sat up straighter and nodded.

"It was all going well. The agents were causing a distraction, and putting up a good front for the avengers that came." You began. He nodded.

"I was up on the roof on a corner building, using the sniper. But both Natalia and one of the avengers that had gone by the name Wanda Maximoff. She was a former volunteer for HYDRA." You continued, remembering the research you had done on the witch.

"I remember her, the Scarlet Witch." He nodded. You agreed.

"Maximoff came to the roof I was on, she must have spotted me. I took her out with ease and tied her up. But she must have notified the other where we were, because shortly after Natalia joined us." You stated. Dreykov leaned in slightly.

"I'll spare the minor details but we sparred upon the roof, and I took her out as well. Phillip and James took both of them to the plane. It was all going well." You said monotonously.

"If it was all going well, what went wrong?" He interrupted. You sighed.

"The Avengers tracked us down. Blew up the plane. All the agents were dead and the avengers escaped with Natalia." You sighed. He closed his eyes and rubbed his chin lightly.

"How. How were they tracked down." He said annoyed, not in a question matter but an order.

"I- I forgot to check them for trackers." You said quietly. He sighed.

"Tsk tsk. There's our problem." He frowned. You looked up at him, waiting for an order. A command. Anything. But he just stayed silent. He looked as if he was thinking.

"You messed up dearly Мы Александр (my Aleksandr). I fear this may compromise you." He sighed, running his hand through his hair one last time while sitting up straight. He looked up to the taskmaster standing by the door.

You never saw her much, only one around Dreykov if they weren't on serious missions the taskmaster was Dreykov's greatest creation. It was his daughter, Antonia. Only members of the Red room knew that.

When Natalia and the Hawkeye believed they had taken down Dreykov, they used his daughter to get to him. Blowing up the thirteen-year-old girl. Who was now only twenty.

He motioned his hand towards you, and Antonia walked over and lifted you by your armpits. You looked down at General Dreykov with confusion. His face was straight as the taskmaster began to drag you through the halls. She took you to a hall you weren't super familiar with and took you to a room you had never been in before.

There were doctors, scientists, and guards working in the very large room. You looked around as Antonia directed you to sit in a chair. It was metal and very large. It had two large metal spike-looking poles around the area your head sat, with large metal blocks at the end.

Shortly after Antonia locked you to the chair she stood back, going behind a glass barrier just as Dreykov entered the room. Took him long enough.

"What is this?" You questioned firmly. If it was a torturous device it must be new because you had never seen it before.

"It's a Memory suppressing machine." He stated. One of your eyebrows raised as you looked at him. This was much one used by the Soviet Union and on HYDRA subjects. You learned about it a couple of years ago.

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