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Wanda's POV

Walking into the kitchen, I instantly dropped Maria's hand. I caught the look she gave me, but I pushed that aside as I walked in to grab some breakfast.

"Ladies! Breakfast is served; you're welcome." Tony smiled at us as Steve gave him a look that told me Tony had nothing to do with preparing breakfast. I smiled at Steve was I grabbed a waffle and some fruit. Mama will be mad if I don't take something healthy. I sigh to myself. I really want to slip. I feel a hand on my lower back and I instantly know it's Mama. I step away from her as I try to pull myself together and keep myself from slipping in front of the team.

I walk to the table and sit between Steve and Clint. I'm trying to eat quickly so I can get to Mama's room.

"Any plans for the day Wanda?" Steve asked as he took a sip of coffee.

"As little as possible. I plan on not leaving my room." I reply softly. I see Clint smirk. "Shut up." I whisper to him.

"Oh no! You better stop or I'll tell Mommy." He whispered so only I could hear him.

"I don't call her that." I pout. I have only ever called Natasha, Mama. I have been calling Maria, Mommy in my head for almost a week but I'm too afraid to actually call her that out loud. What if it isn't what she wants? What if she decides she doesn't want me and convinces Mama to leave me?

"Love?" I look up to see Mama looking down at me concerned. I must have zoned out. It was just Clint, Maria and us at the table.

Natasha's POV

Oh no. My baby definitely slipped. She can usually make it through breakfast, so I'm pretty concerned. Usually it's just when she is super stressed. I look around and see the guys over by the couch. I make eye contact with Clint and nod towards them. Thankfully, he takes my hint and goes to distract them. I carefully but quickly pick up Wanda and set her on my hip. I grab Maria's hand as I pass her and drag her to my room.

"What happened, baby? What made you slip?" I whispered as I sway in my room. Maria is standing by the door watching us.

Wanda starts whining at me as she puts her face in my neck. "Yu s'ay?"

"I'll always stay, baby. I love you more than my own life, baby girl." I kiss her head as she whined again. "What else, baby?" She lifts her head and looks towards Maria. I get the hint and walk over to her and Wanda reaches out clearly shocking my girlfriend.

Wanda hides her face in Maria's neck and I can't hear what she says but it makes Maria stop mid sway and her eyes went wide.

"What did you say, angel?" Maria kissed Wanda's head.

"Yu Mommy?" I heard her ask barely above a whisper.

Maria looked at me as I smiled widely at her. I nodded my head before she turned back to Wanda.

"If that's what you want, then I would love to be your Mommy sweetheart."

"Yu s'ay?" Wanda asked as she lifted her head to look Maria in the eye.

"Yes, baby." Maria kissed her forehead and closed her eyes. I could tell she was getting emotional.

Which is something my girlfriend never is.

We all got into bed together, with Wanda in the middle, naturally. I put on Peter Pan, which is one of Wanda's favourite Disney movies. My baby looked up at me with pleading eyes as I was confused. It didn't take me long to remember I promised her she could nurse, so I situated myself and pulled my shirt off. Wanda lays across my lap and reaches for Maria's hand. She latches on my nipple and starts to eagerly nurse and she plays with Maria's hand. She's staring up at me until the opening song starts from the movie. She watches out of the corner of her eye as I stroke her cheek. I can tell Maria is looking at me which makes me smile. I turn to my love, with a gentle smile on my face and I can see she is still on the brink of crying.

"What's wrong, love?" I whisper as I cup her cheek.

"I just love you. And I love her so much." Her eyes drop to Wanda as she suckles in a steady rhythm.

"Is this something you want?" I studied her face while she watched our baby.

"I want this with you. You and Wanda mean everything to me." She looks into my eyes as I smirk.

"That's good to know but I actually meant breastfeeding. There is nothing saying you can't also breastfeed." My smirk grew as she blushed.

"This is a Mama and Baby thing. I wouldn't want to take that away from you."

"You aren't taking anything away. Honestly it would probably help a lot. Once we tell everyone about us and our dynamic, we won't go in missions together and that way if one of us is gone the other can still nurse. You can try dry nursing first to see if you like it?" I encourage my girlfriend and I can see the gears turning. She is definitely considering it.

I drop the subject and turn to the movie. Wanda starts whining and I know she isn't getting my milk anymore so I switch her to the other side. She latches on easily and Maria starts playing with her hair. Wanda is still wide awake when she finishes nursing so I turn to Maria, "Do you want to try?"

She hesitantly nods, making me smile as I turn to Wanda. "Do you want to nurse with Mommy like you used to nurse with Mama? With no milk."

Wanda nods eagerly and starts making grabby hands as Maria. I help settle her in Maria's lap, and watch as Maria stares at Wanda; not knowing what to do. I hold back my chuckle as I help her with her shirt and bra.

"She knows how to latch, just guide her to your nipple and she will do the rest. Then it's just holding her and bonding." I encourage my blue eyed beauty as I rub her back. She startles slightly when Wanda latches on and starts suckling. Maria let's out a breath she was holding before looking at me.

"How does it feel?" I know exactly how it feels but I want her take on it.

"It's... different. Different then I thought. It's nothing like when you-." She cut herself off by clearing her throat. She looked down at Wanda with a blush as I smirked at her. I know what she was about to say.

I watched as Maria and Wanda fell a little more in love. Maria was stroking her cheek with her finger tips and Wanda was gently playing with her Mommy's hair.

Wanda is deep in headspace now. She unlatches and lays her head on Maria's chest above her heart. She turned herself so she was straddling Maria and I can see her eyes getting sleepy. I help Maria shimmy down so she is laying almost completely flat, with Wanda still on top of her. Within no time, my baby is out cold.

"It's crazy."

"What is, babe?" I snuggle into Maria as I wait for an answer.

"How much closer I feel to her after just that. It feels so insignificant and yet it's so powerful." Maria is slowly rubbing Wanda's back as she looks at me.

"One of the best things I did, was decide to be her Mama. The other, is making you my girlfriend." I pecked her lips once, and then a second time letting it linger.

"I think I asked you." Maria mumbles against my lips and I can feel her smile.

"Okay, you may have gotten me to agree to go out with you. But I asked you to be my girlfriend." I nodded, proud of myself. That was a big step for me.

"That you did, baby. I'm proud of you."

Silence took over, but not the uncomfortable kind. Eventually, Maria spoke up.

"Do you think it's going to be okay?"

"I fear how this is going to go. I mostly worry about Wanda. You and I can handle anything they throw our way. What happens if they send Wanda on a mission and don't allow one of us to go? What happens if she slips? I worry about her so much."

"Everything will be okay, Natasha. I will talk to Fury."

"Good luck with that." I rolled my eyes.

"He actually likes both of us. I don't think we will have a problem." Maria laughs and I try to be optimistic.

I can only hope this all goes off without a hitch. I think my plan to tell them all will work.

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