Chapter (19) Burden

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"You are a burden,
A FREAKING burden on us..."


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Please ignore the mistakes.
Third person POV

He didn't even thought he would find this much peace in that place, 

His body hurt but his heart was more in pain, they both hugged each other as the warmth of their love surrounded them.

Their heart and mind felt at peace for which they both were restless.

Even if the moment didn't last long because of the burning sensation in Jungkook's bruises, it helped to calm their mind and heart a little.

Their aching hearts calming down from the warmth of their love.

Taehyung pulled away as he bit his lips looking at the pained expressions of the other, eyes shining with pure concern and worry.

"I-i am sorry !!" The blue haired male whispered, when he brushed his thumb against the bruised lips of the other causing him to flinch.

Jungkook's eyes roamed on the other's body, stinging with tears when they fell over the small bandages on Taehyung's throat and his bandaged wrist.

Hundreds of questions ran through their mind but none of them spoke anything except staring into each other's tear shining orbs.

"M-minjae, Taehyung, where's he ??" Jungkook asked as his fearful eyes looked at Taehyung's brown orbs.

His fear and panic rose when saw the tear slip down the blue haired Male's eyes.

The blue haired male couldn't fight his tears anymore when he remembered how cruelly the mafia had snatched the kid away from his arms.

"H-he.. he took m-my, o-our baby away !!" The blue haired male sobbed, causing Jungkook to shed tears too in the worries of his baby and fear of what his own brother could do to the kid.

The elder male pulled the sobbing male toward him as he sobbed in his chest, his own tears wetting the shoulders of the younger one.

"Ev-everything would b-be fine love…" Jungkook whispered his voice, hesitant and filled with unsurity but they both knew they couldn't do anything at that time.

Except praying to God to not let the devil hurt, their precious angel. 

"Wh-what if he d-do something koo..? Mi-minjae ca-can't even express himself.." the younger male cried out as his words pierced the heart of Jungkook, who tightened his arms around the male ignoring the burning of his bruises.

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