Chapter (29) Shattered Moments

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"And then everything shattered."


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Third person POV

The seventeen year old Jungkook stood in front of his brother, eyes casted down so the lips got abused by his teeth as his leg shook in nervousness. 

His twin older brother stood in front of him, hand crossed on his chest, eyes glaring down at the raven mop !

Those medical treatments made the younger boy buff just like his brother, if there was any difference, it was only a tiny of height and their hairs, 

Elder's blonde, so the younger's black.

Even after gaining muscles the younger was still so timid, still a softie.

"Where the hell were you last night ?" The deep, cold voice made the raven haired boy pout slightly. 

He knew he fucked up by spending the whole night out without informing anyone, his noona was also not there to save him today.

Lifting his eyes up only to cast them down hurriedly, Jungkook didn't even know how he got nervous from his own face, of course the face was the same man !

"S-sorry.." A soft voice peaked and Jeongguk swore he melted right away.

"No ! Where the hell were you last night ?" He asked again, remembering to not let his voice raise.

"W-with Bambam, th-there was a s-sleepover at his h-home.." his voice came out timid watching how the elder was glaring at him.

"Jungkook you---

"What's happening ??" A voice beam through the wooden door, and Jungkook sighed in relief watching the brown locks girl there, passing a beautiful wide smile which flattered seeing the serious expressions of others.

"Noona~~" The raven haired boy whined, stepping forward only to stumble back when a rough hand grabbed his hoodie from behind. 

"Stay still !!" Jeongguk warmed, making the younger nod his head rapidly. 

"What happened ?" The girl enquired, frowning when the mafia recited the incident to her.

"Hmm.. So you mean, kook went out without informing you which is wrong and he should inform you about everything he does right ?" 

"Absolutely, I swear I am not letting him go out again and with that Bambam never ever." Jungkook's eyes widened, looking at his noona for help.

" know you are right. This boy deserves some beatings, right gguk ? He needs to learn some lessons."

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