Taking Notes - Bakugo x Reader

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CW: Degradation, praise, choking, Bakugo is a little mean...but it works for him lol

Katsuki Bakugo is not a soft man. He's loud and he's rude. He doesn't hold back and he will damn sure tell you what he's thinking at any given moment - good or bad. You knew these things having gone to high school with him as a teenager, and now here you were in the same college, too.

That's why you were shocked to find him hiding in the back of the library, thumbing through a romance novel. You stood there watching him flip through a few pages as he scanned his eyes across the words. He was sitting with his back against the shelf and a hood pulled over his head. Blonde tufts of his hair stuck out to the sides.

You cleared your throat and couldn't help but giggle as he scrambled to his feet, hiding the book behind his back. His wide eyes took in your face before they narrowed in on you. Your heart dropped and your arms flecked with goosebumps. He rushed over to you and pushed your back against the bookshelf. The breath was knocked from your chest.

"If you tell anyone what you saw, I'll end you," he warned.

You nodded breathlessly and he stepped away from you. He bent to pick up the book he had dropped and looked back over his shoulder at you with a scowl. You were looking at the cover of the book he was holding and tapping your chin in thought.

"Did you have something to say, nerd?"

"Actually yes," you chimed. "I was just going to say if you like that one...then you should try this one."

You plucked a book from the shelf to your left and handed it to him. He looked at you like you'd grown a second head but carefully took the book from you. He flipped it over, reading the description printed on the back cover. You crossed your arms over your chest and gave him a satisfied smirk as his eyes lit up. He looked back up at you and sighed.

"Yeah, well, this doesn't mean we're friends or whatever," he grumbled. "But thanks for the recommendation."

You chuckled. "No problem."

A few days passed and you found yourself being dragged by the back of your collar to the romance section of the library. When you were released by your assailant, you turned and saw a hooded Bakugo staring at you, holding the book you had recommended.

"Hey dumbass, why did you tell me to read this if the school's shitty library didn't have the rest of the trilogy?" He glared at you with irritation.

You couldn't help but laugh. The hot-headed blonde scowled and backed you up against the bookshelf again.

"Oh you think that's funny do you?"

"Katsuki, calm down," you giggled. "I own the other two. I'll let you borrow them."

You smiled softly at him and his chest fluttered. He turned from you, returning the book to the shelf. You heard him grumble something underneath his breath that you couldn't make out. He looked at you with his head titled a little and sighed.

"Good. That cliffhanger was brutal," he mumbled.

You clasped your hand over your forehead and gave an exaggerated sigh. "I know!"

He chuckled and gave you a small smile. That was the first time you'd ever seen him smile. You had to admit, he looked cute when he wasn't so angry. He pulled his bag from his shoulder and reached in for something. He stepped forward and handed you a book with a beautifully wrapped cover.

"What's this?"

"Thought I'd repay you with a recommendation of my own," he huffed.

You smiled at him and tucked the book under your arm. "Thanks!"

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