3- RoofTops

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"You like him don't you?" Ranboo snapped back into reality and stared at Tommy "me?! Why would I fall for him?! Tho he's cute..pretty.." Ranboo realizing what he said quickly shook his head "I mean like is it weird to compliment you friend?!"

"If you blush while their smiling then it's weird" Ranboo groaned and realized it was going to rain

"it's going to rain.." Ranboo quickly held Tubbo, Shroud, Michael and Tommy's hand then teleported only a sine rain drop almost touched him

"Oh my god that was close.." Ranboo sighed and leaned on the wall he is done with today

"We should adopt him boo!" He shouted as he was holding Michael in his arms

"I think he doesn't have parents?" Tommy looked at Michael and recognized him "oh your right he doesn't have when I saw shroud in the forest I saw his parents get killed I was gonna go and get Michael but he was gone?" Tommy confessed and Tubbo sighed

" Come on Michael let's get you a bath" Tubbo said proudly and picked up Michael when Shroud followed Tubbo "you wanna take a bath too Shroud?" He nodded, Tubbo placed Michael in the tub following Shroud

"Admit it you like my best friend!" Tommy said while gripping Ranboo's shirt

"I told you I don't like him!" Ranboo yelled back and Tommy letted him go Tommy glared at Ranboo and he didn't even care one bit, Tommy may look like a physco but deep down he's a little kitten who's afraid

A little while later Tubbo was done bathing Shroud and Michael and we're very comfortable

"Hey Shroud!" Tommy called him over and he ran to him "thanks tubbs" Tubbo giggled a bit and Ranboo felt a mix of emotions

"Hey Ranboo you okay?" Tubbo noticed that Ranboo frozed and Tommy knew exactly what Ranboo was thinking "yea yea I'm fine don't worry about me!" Ranboo chuckled

"oh alright then" Tubbo shook it off and sat on a couch "hey guys I heard that there are northern lights tonight!" Tommy stood up still looking at his phone "really?"

"Yea let's go to the rooftop!" Tommy picked up shroud and Michael then ran upstairs "well what are we waiting for?let's go!" Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand along the way upstairs to the rooftop

"Tubbo slow down.." Ranboo said in a whisper which Tubbo didn't hear, he didn't want to repeat what he said but feeling Tubbo's hand gave him some kind of warmth

"We're here!" The sky was beautiful the rain stopped a while ago showing northern lights with some glowing stars "I heard it comes every 50 years"  the blonde say on the edge

"Ever heard of Flowers From 1970 Tubbo?" Tubbos face quickly changed from happiness to glaring at Ranboo " do not remind me of that song ever."

The clouds dissapeared and a shining full moon appeared "the moon's beautiful isn't it?" Ranboo said facing Tubbo but realized he was already asleep with Michael and Tommy with Shroud, Tubbo's head was on Ranboo's shoulder and he didn't mind at all, the enderman stroked his hair and patted Tubbo

A few minutes after gazing at the sky he soon later fell asleep his head on Tubbo's and Tubbo's head on Ranbok shoulder, Tommy suddenly got up due to a dream and saw Tubbo and Ranboo's sleeping position, The blonde quickly grabbed his phone to take a picture, He checked his phone and the picture was whole clear and them hugging Michael

Tommy looked at Shroud who was fast asleep and covered him with a blanket

Soon Tommy was asleep too but the difference was

Tubbo wasn't asleep

Well he was, he was just fake sleeping in Ranboo's shoulder and a little while later after Tommy fell asleep Tubbo also doze off

The moon was beautiful


I'm trying to update all chapters okay?! Be patient 👹

It All Started Because Of His Pranks||RanbooxTubbo||Where stories live. Discover now