5- Accidents Happen

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Tubbo woke up, the sun was shining through eyes as he hissed, He looked around seeing no one beside him except for Michael

He quickly got up and picked up Michael with him he paced the piglin down then headed down stairs seeing a fire in the stove and Ranboo and Tommy panicking

"Ranboo get water!"

"I'll die Tommy!"

Tubbo quickly ran down the stairs got a bucket of water then poured it down the stove and sighed in relief, he later glared at the two who were smiling innocently "hey Tubbo!" Tommy acted like nothing happened

"You saved my life since you awake want breakfast?" Tubbo knew what his best friend was doing and decided to go along with it

"Yea I'm kinda hungry" Tubbo sat next to Ranboo "What happened last night I keep hearing you guys arguing about something" The shorter brunette yawned as he spooned his cereal, both Tommy and Ranboo froze "no it was nothing honestly, your friend here is just annoying" He scoffed and went back to his food

"yeah whatever, hey Tubbo wanna go to the park today?" Ranboo asked without a thought

"Yea sure, Wanna come along tommy?" The blonde shooked his head in response "can't I have to go back to Phil" Tommy remembered and stood up from his seat running to the doorway "alright see you later!" He said before he ran out of the doorway and Tubbo got up

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go to the park!" Tubbo grabbed Ranboo's hand "but we haven't even finished out cerea-" Ranboo couldn't finish his sentence when he was dragged out, both didn't really need to change since they didn't change yesterday

As they were walking down the park they saw George with a drink in his hand unfortunately for them George noticed their presence "oh! Tubbo and Ranboo! Perfect!" He ran to them and quickly grabbed both their hands without a word

"We're setting up the prank!"

"So any ideas for the prank?" George asked for their opinions

"I say we tie him up and torture him" Tubbo suggested

"No bad Tubbo, I say we could just hide patches from him"

"Good idea Ranboo!"

" My idea was better!"

"Yea wanna be caught by the police?"

Both arrived at the house, George got the house key from under the rug and opened the door almost immediately Patches jumped form his spot and started clinging to George "hey patches do you mind if I take you for a minute or hour?" The cat only licked George's nose in response and George took it as a yes

The three of them ran to the back waiting for a specific blonde to come home and panick. A few moments later Clay's footsteps were heard and George smiled smugly

"Patches I'm home" Clay exclaimed opening the door to see the feline cat nowhere to be seen "Patches?" Clay called out again and George snickered covering his mouth while Tubbo and Ranboo sighed in grief

"Patches?!" George knew exactly that Clay was going to check his room and a smirked formed into George's lip as Clay screamed, Tubbo and Ranboo jumped in surprise for a bit but looked at the phone again where George placed the cameras to see what his boyfriends reaction would be "George I know this is your doing!"

Oh you bet it is.

Suddenly Clay looked straight into the security camera causing a shiver through George's spine and Clay chuckled a bit "come out or your punishment would be worse" George knew exactly what he meant and decided to surrender,He motioned Tubbo and Ranboo to follow him and they did

The three entered the house in the back doorway,George holding patches but when they went in Clay was nowhere to be seen, George stayed alereted but somehow still flinched when Clay had a suprise attack from behind causing him to trip also making Tubbo trip landing in Ranboo kissing him

George's eyes grew wide and gasped while Clay was having the laugh of his life, Both didn't move they just stayed still in the position while wide eyed, suddenly the door busted open "Tubbo look Micha did the greatest thing ever! He-" Tommy's smile formed into a frown with a shocked expression

"Tommy listen its not-" Tubbo was cut off when Tommy began shaking Tubbo "listen here you piece of shit! How dare you steal my best friends first kiss! He's 23! He's too young to have his first kiss you dumbass!" Tommy kept on shaking Ranboo to the point where he was super dizzy and was about to faint

Clay was still laughing and George just slapped Clay then marched into the bedroom, Tommy,Tubbo and Ranboo going outside leaving the area

"Tommy please don't be mad AND I'm old enough to have my first kiss anyway?!" Tubbo exclaimed while carrying the dizzy enderman on his back as Tommy crossed his arms "not forgiven."

Tommy had an idea to take it as an opportunity to tease Tubbo at occasions "well are we gonna talk about the kiss you and that Enderman had? Well I can write a whole essay-" Now the roles were switched Tubbo the one who's mad and Tommy being sorry

But deep down both knew they enjoyed the kiss.

It All Started Because Of His Pranks||RanbooxTubbo||Where stories live. Discover now