20. Doctors appointments

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Hello all! i'm sorry for being away for literally 3 years!! i've decided to go back and rewrite this story as well as publish a new bakugo story shortly. My writing has changed a lot over the years so look forward to better grammar and sentences that are legible !!! idk how many people will come back to read this chapter years later but i apologise for leaving i love you all!!

(y/n)'s POV:

Katsuki walks along the path, Aizens little hand in his larger one. My brother looks up to him in awe as he explains the details of his explosive quirk while pops of fire emit from his free palm. A warm feeling spreads throughout my body as i tread behind the two.

The air is crisp and windy so we ensured to rug up in warm jackets before we left home. Well, Aizen and I decided to. Katsuki is his own natural heater which i realised first hand after sleeping millimetres away from him all of last night. The heat emitting from his body swallowed me up along with an unsuspected smell of caramel.

When i woke in the middle of the night to the sound of rapid breaths to see katsuki hunched over, gripping his chest i was shocked to silence. To watch my closest and strongest friend display an act of pure fear and worry was startling. Katsuki has always been a pillar of strength to myself and all who interact with him even despite his standoffish personality.

Over the past months of our friendship i've watched his stone cold façade fade and break until his true form arose from the ashes. A sweet and funny Boy who's eagerness to become the strongest Pro hero sometimes clouds his real self.

As we approach the doors of the plain white doctors surgery, Aizen turns and meets me with outstretched arms. i lift the boy and balance him on my hip. its crazy to believe that a year ago i was yearning to see the little 4 year old boy who i had raised alone and then left to pursue my schooling, only to see him a year later as a completely different kid. He's much more well spoken now, with his (h/c) hair tufting out to past his chin and our similar features he's now grown into, making him into the most handsome little kid.

"are you ready little guy?" i ask as i push a lock of hair out of his face. he nods excitedly. I was so determined on passing exams so i could have the chance to see him again that it completely crossed my mind that he's now the age i was when i first developed my quirk.

i still remember sitting on the back porch of our old house. with mum in the kitchen slaving away on dinner as my father lounged on the recliner waiting for a top up of his beer. i studied the lines on my palms as the distant sounds of traffic played its percussion through the streets. our small yard housed a clothes line and a rickety swing set that creaked in the wind. i always found myself admiring the small patch of purple carnations planted next to the steps and imaging myself far away from where i was as i watched them dance and sway in the breeze. i observed as small ladybugs and bumblebees would lay to rest upon the petals and wished i could fly away too. to leave the home full screaming and fear.

i stared at my palms as tears welled up behind my eyes at the sound of my fathers domineering voice echoing off the walls. A tingle danced on the skin in the middle of my palm as i watched a small green leaf spout out, followed moments later by a stem and an unopened bud. the petals began to unfurl, revealing a carnation blossom.

i didn't even have time to wipe my tears as i jumped up in excitement calling for my mother.

i squeeze Aizen to me as i approached the clinics door, katsuki stuck to my side.


the appointment was long. many tests and scans indicated Aizen had only one joint in his pinky toe which was the biggest indication as to if a child may possess a quirk. we described the ability we believed Aizen must have acquired from his quirk after he accurately guessed the doctors height and birthday at a simple glance.

the doctor explained that His quirk was most likely purely mental. His ability to provide little tidbits of surface level information will most likely morph into identifying vital information like blood types, blood sugar levels and much more in less then a second. Aizen frowned at the news as he sucked on the lollipop the doctor had given him. realisation struck him that he wouldn't develop a "cool" and "powerful" quirk like me and Katsuki.

on the walk home we both explained how even though it wasn't obvious yet, his quirk could save lives. If he decided to use his power to pursue being a paramedic or doctor, he could help thousands of people who get injured in accidents or villain fights to receive help they need.

His 5 year old brain hasn't yet comprehended yet the extent of his power, but once he does, i'm never going to let him forget how amazing and smart he is.


I'm sorry this is short and i am very eager to continue on with this story. thankyou to whoever reads this! i appreciate u and i'm hoping to go back and rewrite and structure other chapters soon so make sure to keep up with updates.

- love valentine

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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