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Midoriya's POV
It's been a good three weeks since we first took our classmates out for training. They have been practicing their disguises and characters almost nonstop and every weekend they go with us to our base to test out the new ideas and techniques they learned either in class or by self-studying. Dadizawa has been heavily emphasizing ethics during class and anytime we have heroics he was quizzing the class on ethics while we worked.

Multiple times Vlad King and his class B students would come in during the middle of his lectures either in the classroom or at the gym only to see us all working hard. There were a few times he tried to question Dadizawa's teaching method and even tried to guilt or shame him because of the way Kacchan and I would be almost attached to each other nearly all the time. Whether we were standing at the gym hugging each other waiting for our turn be it either a match or course or sitting in class one of us on the other's lap. But Dadizawa just waved him off saying it was none of his concern.

I felt a little bad and had tried to pull away from Kacchan a couple times but Dadizawa just shook his head and would give my shoulder a light nudge back towards Kacchan. I've been feeling more and more drained lately and I think he noticed.

"Your levels are low aren't they?" He asked and I sheepishly nodded my head. Kacchan and I haven't been able to be alone together for a while now, at least not for the length of time that we needed. I was able to keep an almost steady stream of energy going for him but his quirk is different. I need to take it in and while all the touching is helping it is not at all like when we are intimate with each other.

I saw the door open behind him but I couldn't see who had walked in. "Midoriya, you need to take care of yourself. There is only so low your levels can go before you go into another coma. I won't pretend to know how it is that Bakugo is fine while you are basically wasting away but I can see that he is more than a little worried about you," I look up trying to hide the tears in my eyes.

"Take tomorrow off from school and get your levels back up again. I know you have your patrols at night but at least during school hours you need to rest a little." I opened my mouth to protest but he cut me off before I could utter a sound. "Don't make me send you to Recovery Girl. You know that she will put you on another week of bed rest again and she won't let you do your nightly patrols." I snap my mouth shut again and nod blushing hot and bright. How many teachers actually tell their students to not only skip school but also to have sex? I know that's not actually what he is saying but that is what it boils down to.

"Good then, I will leave you to inform Bakugo," he smiled and turned away only to reveal Vlad King standing behind him. We both groan about the unwelcome intruder. I wonder how much of that he heard and how much he actually understood?

"Excusing your students from class are you? Regardless of how good your students are, they will only start to fall behind if they don't attend classes," he lectured us. I rolled my eyes and I could see Dadizawa fighting the urge to punch the man in front of us.

"It is really none of your concern how I deal with my students, now why are you here? Again?" He ground out the words while somehow not sounding angry while doing it

"I was wanting to know if we could match our students up for a fight? They need to train against a variety of different quirks and a second classroom of students should help with that," he was smiling as he spoke but nothing about his smile was friendly.

"And when were you wanting to do this?" Dadizawa asked, his eyes narrowed as he studied the other man.

"I was thinking tomorrow but considering you have a weak student at the moment..." he trailed off and I could feel my anger flare up as well as Kacchan's as he finally walked up done with whatever it was he was doing before.

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