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Midoriya's POV
"Do you Izuku Yagi take Katsuki Bakugo to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold for as long you two shall live?" Nezu finally asked me and I nodded eagerly before remembering that I actually had to say it.

"I do!" I look into those ruby red eyes that never fail to light up my world.

"And do you Katsuki Bakugo take Izuku Yagi to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold for as long as you both shall live?" I only had eyes for Kacchan but then he said the words I have dreamed of him saying for as long as I can remember my heart nearly stopped.

"Fuck yeah, I do." I smile at his choice of words. Glad that he said the first part quietly and the second loud enough for everyone to hear. Unlike my mom and dad's wedding our's only had our class and a couple others, mostly family of our classmates. Even Endeavor was there looking very confused how he didn't know All Might had a son, but here all the same. There also, thankfully, was not any tv cameras broadcasting it like theirs had.

"I understand that instead of rings you wish to exchange something else? You may do so now." Nezu waved for us to continue.

"Kacchan we have faced countless villains together yet somehow we have made it to high school, our forever finally in sight. I love you with all that I am, my fire," I blew a small flame shocking those not in our class because they didn't know about my dormant quirks. "My telekinesis," I lifted the necklace from around my own neck without letting go of Kacchan's hands. The necklace floated between us while I added, "and OFA." Green lightning coating my body as I said it. "You are my everything so take this as nothing more than a symbol of our forever and not the promise itself." I let the necklace drop around his neck and I see him blinking away tears, refusing to cry.

"Deku, my Deku, why did you have to make that your hero name?" I laughed a little at his question, loving his smile as he joked. "Our villains... Soon they will be gone and nothing but our forever will remain. I look forward to the day I can say I love you without doom over our heads. My water and explosions are yours, today onwards." A few small pops from his quirk were set off before he continued. "Forever and always, across time and beyond. I am yours, I love you." I see Kota open the little vial of water on his cushion that he had carried instead of rings and wait. The water drifted into the air picking up the explosion necklace from his own neck leaving the lightning bolt alone as he did. When he had the necklace between us he continued. "You are my everything so take this as nothing more than a symbol of our forever and not the promise itself." The necklace dropped over my head and around my neck as I fought off the tears threatening to spill out.

We both looked at Nezu who was near tears but cleared his throat, "By the power invested in me by the Hero Association and the country of Japan I now pronounce you Husband and Husband. You may now kiss your husband!" I giggled a little before we, far too slowly, kissed in front of our family and friends and they all started cheering like crazy.

Now that that is over with, I grin at my husband before jumping up and circling my arms around Kacchan's neck and giving him a real kiss while he spun me around his arms around my waist. "I love you Kacchan," I smile into the kiss and feel him doing the same.

"I love you nerd," And I swear that his eyes held actual fire in them before he put me down and I reversed the roles and picked him up bridal style only getting a small yelp from him as he clung to me. I heard a few people laughing but otherwise everyone was still cheering and I walked down the aisle and out the door to the white limo waiting for us.

Fun fact; All Might being Japan's number 1 hero for over a decade gave him a huge bank account considering he never really used it before except for missions that he would then get reimbursed for.

We closed the privacy barrier to separate us from the driver and I got to show Kacchan just how excited I was to be with him tonight. But a blow job was all I had time for unfortunately, I will have to wait for more later.


The reception was great, it really was, we even managed to sneak away for a couple hours before the speeches. It wasn't much, just enough to take the edge off. But it was enough. The speeches were amazing and I cried way too much. My best man, Todoroki probably said too much but at the same time the class laughed at all the inside jokes and memories without anyone actually having to say them.

Kacchan's best man was Kirishima of course and to say it was awkward when we found them in the closet making out would be an understatement. To be fair though we are not at the dorms, so yeah. Kacchan and I just found somewhere else while I'm sure on some level we should have probably stopped them, who am I to really talk. Todoroki's birthday is just in a couple weeks and Kiri has been waiting patiently, following all the rules.

Thankfully we were already cleaning up when we heard Endeavor screaming, "Shoto!" Once we were presentable again we ran down to find the two in question still making out in front of a very pissed off Endeavor. They were actually pretending not to see or hear him and I couldn't help laughing.

"I see you two are happy," I kept laughing just to hear Kacchan's sweet laughter in my ear before his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Uh, Deku. It's not what-" I cut him off by waving a hand in the air but it was Kacchan who spoke.

"Just be smart about it. Is not like we were against you," Kacchan kissed on my neck and Dadizawa, Mama Mic, Mom and Dad appeared.

"There you are, it's time for the speeches," Dad laughed, putting his hands on my shoulders and I gulped. I had every reason to be afraid, he was making a speech after all.


"Kacchan my feet hurt," I grumbled as we were finally allowed to sit down again. The party still had a while to go considering it was only 2 pm we had to stick around until something like 8 at the absolute earliest but I had snuck a couple condoms into Todoroki's hand earlier to help him out and I got to see him turn redder than Kiri's hair but he put them in his pocket before quickly walking away, while trying not to catch fire.

I look up when I feel my lover's hands surround me before he pulls me onto his lap and starts nibbling on me. I'm not the only one with my levels running low.

"Need to sneak off?" I jumped at the voice only to see Dadizawa chuckle before taking another drink waiting for an answer. I finally nodded leaning back into Kacchan not wanting to get up but at the same time desperately needing to. "There is a room upstairs I can cover for no longer than two hours. I'll tell everyone that you need to take your medication if it becomes an issue." I sat up straight and heard Kacchan chuckle before picking me up bridal style and racing out of the room after he told us where.


We talked and laughed and danced to our heart's content as we focused on nothing but each other after we came back. Our love is strong enough to be felt even by the most unloved people in the room. *Cough* Endeavor *cough*. It however did not escape my notice when Endeavor was talking to Hawk about how odd our class seemed.

"They are something else who knew there would be half a class of queers ready to graduate?" Okay that made me angry, why does it matter to him about our sexuality?

"Babe?" Hawk asked and I nearly tripped where I was on the dance floor only to see Kacchan's eyes were wide too. We were not the only ones to hear it either. Todoroki actually fell on the ground and froze.

"What did you call me?" Endeavor asked, seemingly confused by the whole thing but not angry.

"Hmm? Oh I called you babe," Hawk answered as if that was totally normal.


"Thought it would lighten your mood a bit. As a gay man myself I can tell you that we don't like to be called queer." Do they really not notice how everyone is reacting to them?

"I see. I will make note of that," Did the bastard really just grow the fuck up right in front of my fucking eyes? "Still it's not really normal now is it? I caught Shoto kissing the red head a while ago and as is I'll have to put him in his place. But this is not the place," and now I stand corrected. One day he is going to be put on our table and even the hero association is going to look the other way.

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