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As there was smoke everywhere which scared students. It scared everyone, of-course why won't anyone be scared. The League of Villains have gotten in AGAIN.

The Pro Hero's were trying to make the students calm down. Whilst the Dream SMP who were there minus Dream and Technoblade, they were planning something that only Tubbo and Philza knew. It was somewhat scary to see your own school burn to the ground

“ Heh- The withers are doing a great work ” a pink haired man said with a smirk

“ Yeah, what do you think about Tubbo's nukes that the League are using though? ” a blonde asked

“ It's good, Blob I never expected of him to have things like that ” Technoblade replied

“ Yeah, also never expected that this was a plus they would have to go through more in the future ” Dream told Technoblade as he remembered what would happen in the manga that he read

“ Sheesh, damm right ” the pinkette replied

“ Sensei what will happen? ” Mina asked with worridely

“ It's okay everyone will be okay, don't be so worried ” everyone's attention went to Tubbo and everyone turned confuse as they looked at Tubbo who had his right right eye in the colour of yellow with a radioactive pupil and a scar in the same place. It made everyone more confused

“ What happened to your eye Tubbo?” Deku asked worriedly

“ Oh this, I used to cover my right eye with green eye contact and makeup and how it happened? Well the scar was caused by Technoblade and my eye was due to experimenting with radioactive liquid which fell in my eye and cause this ” Tubbo replied happily without any stutters and shit

“ Why would you experiment with literal chemicals! ” Tubbo heard a student yell

“ I don't need your opinions! I also play around with nukes ” the brunette replied with a smirk while his radioactive eye glowed a bit which cause the U.A students to tense up

“ That's dangerous though ” Lida replied as he hand choped the air

“ What did I say? I don't need your opinions! ” Tubbo said again

“ Tubbo, man shut up! ” Tommy told his best friend

“ Fine ”

“ Hey, hey don't you wanna fight?” The LOV asked the students who got scared on how they appeared from their portal

“ YEAH I WILL YOU BASTARDS!!!!! ” Bakugo yelled in anger

“ Kacchan, please don't fight! ” Deku told his best friend

Then they were accompanied by Dream and Technoblade's evil laugh which made the U.A people look at them

“ So, what's happening here? A fight? That's Amazing! ” Dream said with cocky grin which was invisible under his mask

“ What do you mean by that?! ” Kirishima asked in anger

“ He meant what he said ” Techno replied with his casual voice that have chills to everyone

“ Hey, do you know Villains are hero's with a broken past? ” Dream asked which made everyone there confused

“ VILLAINS ARE VILLAINS YOU BASTARD- ” Bakugo yelled but was caught off guard by a big explosion

“ My NUKE!!!!! ” Tubbo yelled in happiness which made the students scared. How can someone looks so innocent be so dangerous?

“ Shesh too much energetic Tubbo ” Ranboo said with his husband

And a black portal appeared which made everyone minus he Dream SMP gasp. Everyone in the Dream SMP minus Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Dream Technoblade went in

“ Tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo weren't we friends? Why go with Villains? ” Momo asked in verge of tears

“ You know, you guys are going to suffer more than this? ” Tubbo asked as the LOV also went in their own portal with Tubbo going in the portal that connecting to Dream SMP and with that Ranboo followed by Dream, Techno and Tommy went in their portal

“ I think they were kind of right, you have to suffer worse than this ” they heard Aizawa say and students manage to agree. For some reason they were right they have to suffer more than this

“ We are back!!!!!! ” the Dream SMP with the members that didn't go the U. A yelled in unison


And that's it! Sorry for the long wait! This is the end of Where the road takes us and see you in my new Beyblade burst x Female reader fanfiction which is actually a STORY and other stories too!!!~

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Where The Road Takes us~ | Dream SMP X BNHA (MHA) CRINGEWhere stories live. Discover now