chapter 77

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Conitue from previous part....

Bani was breastfeeding Viyan while talking with Veer

Bani: Splitsvilla will telecast tomorrow I'm very happy!!

Veer:happy tum Splitsvilla telecast hoga uss liye nahi ho happy iss liye ho kyunki Nikhil Malik ko jo dekhogi!!😑😑

A/n: currently I'm obsessed with Splitsvilla 13!!

Bani:Nikhil is so good I just love

before she could complete her sentence she received a glare from Veer

Bani:oh god Veer you are jealous!! Have you gone made ! I just love Nikhil

Innterupted by Veer

Veer:love??(raising his one eyebrow)

Bani: Veer stop being a jealous kiddo!! I mean I just like him as a fan

Veer was still not satisfied with her confession He was still hell jealous....
What's his fault in this ......he is hell possesive about her and that we all know

Bani:Veer I just only love you baby try to understand I just Like Nikhil as a fan
(Cupping his face with one hand)


Bani:Don't you trust me?🤨🤨

Veer: Sweetheart not like this I trust you but you know na how possesive I am about you

Bani:ya ya I know that!! Mujhe yeh pata hai ke tum mujhse aur sirf mujhse kitna pyar karte ho!!

(Veer was about to say something but Bani says)

Bani:yeh hil kyu nahi raha hai Viyan???

(As soon as Veer hears this a naughty smirk plastered on his face)

Veer:he is sleeping I won the bet baby!!

Bani:kuch bhi !!let me check!!

(She checks and found Viyan is sleeping peacefully on her lap)

Bani sees a sleeping Viyan and she was
astounded she doesn't even thought that he will sleep so early!! And Here Veer is dancing mentally as he won the bet now as a recompense he will get ......

{ A/n:ahha you know na what will he gain as a reward😌😌}

Bani:omg He can sleep!! Mujhe laga yeh Ullu hai raat ko jagta hai lekin

Inturuppted by Veer

Veer:Viyan I love you beta tune apne dad ko jeeta diya thanks my champ I love you so much !! And also thank you so much for this privacy!!! Muahhh

Soon Bani also realised what he means and remember their bet and her words
She mentally cursed herself

Bani:shit man😖

Veer smiles naughtily
Bani tries to change the topic

Bani:oh Shit he needs to burps

Veer:then do that!!

Bani :but dekho to kitna achche se so raha hai

Veer:then postponed that burping!!let him sleep and let us do our work!!😏😏

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Veer:then postponed that burping!!let him sleep and let us do our work!!😏😏

Bani takes him and place him on cradle

Veer:yeh so gaya 😏

Bani:haa..... to😖

Veer:now😏😏 be on your words sweetheart!!

Bani:fine😖 zyada kuch maat expect karna cause I have stiches!!


️Audult breastfeeding content ahead read at your own risk !!and if you are uncomfortable you can skip reading this!!

Bani:I'm telling you Veer again don't expect a lot from me now !!

Veer(while cupping her face): gharwali I know you have stiches and you need time !! I'm not asking you for a make out I just want to taste a small amount !!I swear baby just few drops🥺🥺(showing his best puppy eyes)

And our Bani melts She allows him

Bani:go ahead!!

As soon as Bani finishes her sentence she felt his lips on hers
While kissing Veer made her sit on the bed and he also sits
They were kissing eachother with full passion
When his hands reaches to her kurti's straps he pulled down her kurti straps till her arms and without breaking the kiss his hand reaches to her back to find the zip of her kurti!! Finnaly He found the zipper and he pulled down in one go
His hand was roaming on her bare back making patterns there
Bani growls in between the kiss and he smirked
He then pulls her kurti down to her stomach ofcourse Bani doesn't wear a bra at night time so
Her bossoms popped out
Veer breaks the kiss

In no time Veer laid her on bed and hovers over her

Bani blinks her eyes

Veer takes her left bossom in his mouth and started sucking it slowly slowly

Bani ruffles his hairs when his beard comes in contact with her skin

Veer sucks her bossoms
She can feel Her milk is going in his mouth

While sucking Veer nuzzles his neck on her chest

After a minute Veer feels Milk is not coming so he left that right one and take that left one in his mouth

After a minute when he was done with drinking he kissed her both breasts and gets up

Bani:so how was it??

Veer(while wipping his lips with his hand) :it was so sweet!! Like melted Vanilla ice cream!!

Bani:wow!!are you happy now??

Veer:yup I'm happy but I'm jealous at the same time!!


Veer:My babies they have this tasty milk daily!!


Veer: mujhe bhi daily chahiye (with a pout)

Bani:hato yaha se!!
(She put her kurti )
And laid

Veer: Sweetheart I want everyday

Bani:good night so jao abhi daily daily yeh sab  nahi milega!!!


To be continued........


Precap: misunderstandings between..........(😏 Guess karke comments karna!!)


Kindly avoid my mistake 😗

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Take care

Bye bye

With love from

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