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.......'s point of view

i was just walking around of Dream smp,and etc but then i remeber there an ocean near by so i decide to visit it again since i been 1 weeks i havent visit the ocean. a i wall there i saw a little house(its night) since im only wanted to visit the ocean so i ignored the house and keep walking to the forest and ignoring someone presence and finally made it to the ocean

and then before i could do anything someone ask "what are you doing here?" as i turn my head to a person who a ghost like me and answer "I just came here to watch the ocean!" as i keep inspected the ghost looks and its so familiar to dream style and the most stand out is the green hoodie they wear and mask and the ghost just turn back leaving me alone maybe cause they doesn't wanna annoy me

and i follow him behind and ask"Are you dream??.." and the ghost stop and just turn his head a bit "......" and silence consumed the question and the person turn back there head and keep walking ignoring my question and 'i guess its was really dream' i plan to bring him to techno house but scared that dream doesn't want to so i ask for his permission to bring him to techno house "can i bring you to my friend house?" and the figure stop

"No,since i already have something called 'home' sorry" and start walking to shadow of the woods leaving me alone i dont force him since i was asking for his permission since im scared that his still uncomfortable around people and decide to explore more of the places and decide to visit him when he lonley or need friend to stay with him

dream's points of view

i rejected 'ghostbur' invitation since i wanna live on my own as a ghost since i dont wanna be a burdened to people i close with and keep walking toward my house and since im a ghost i cant sleep so i spend my times with my one only friends who i named 'kokua' a green sheep who i found before found l'manburg and stay with kokua so that they will not feel lonley on the living rooms

and its was peace full and then i heard something outside from the bushes and appear cat who i know and slowly get up not to waking up kokua and get outside with was 'patches' and pick her up she meow at me and i hug her bring inside to my house and let her meet kokua the green sheep and still stay on living room with kokua and patches on my side since i dont wanna feel lonley again

as the sun rises,bird chipping,and sunlight start to appear its feel so live again without dark cover the sky only white clouds start to appear slowly on the sky and pacthes and kokua wake up due to a near by chicken chirp out there daily voice and i brought kokua and patches with me to feed them since i haven't feed them so i give kokua wheat and patches fish and i just watch

im kinda lonley no one to talk to only my pet....But its fine since nobody is gonna trouble me but they betrayed me maybe i should used my old persona since if im being to soft they will just try to manipulated me idc is im painted as a villian since now im living on my imagination and that is have a peaceful lives i hope that ghostbur doesn't brought phil,techno,or his close one since i dont wanna be troubled

and look outside of the window its bright and decide to find some resource for me to live quiet lonesome maybe this times i will be able to live quiet nice right?

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