Coffee & Studio's

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those videos have me dying😂😂😂

anyways on with the show


9:30 A.M

My alarm clock goes off, making me fall out of bed.

"Ow" I say and rub my elbows.

I go to my closet and pull out white ripped jeans, a green Jayson Tatum jersey, a white t-shirt to go underneath, and a pair of Jordan 1's 'Pine Green'.

I take out a sports bra, socks, and a pair of boxers from the dresser. I make my way to the showers and turn it on. I spend about 20 minutes in the shower. I comb out my curly hair, putting it up in a bun, revealing my faded sides and edge up.

I check my phone and see that Victoria did indeed text me that she made it home safely last night. I text her a quick 'good morning' and check other messages. One from Scooter reminding me about today. A couple from the group chat with Ryan and Zac. As well as one from Ariana with a Starbucks location.

Me- no good morning just an address to Starbucks wow

Ariana- don't push it and since I'm your favorite person of all time you're paying as well as driving me to the studio

Me- bold of you to assume you're my favorite person and assuming I can drive

Ariana- we both know it's true

Me- we don't even know each other well enough for that

Me- and wait a minute why do I have to pay you're the millionaire here

Ariana- my financials aren't important here what a terrible first impression you are making and we haven't even met yet

Me- omg you're insufferable

Ariana- rude

I laugh at her response and finish getting ready for the day. When I'm done I head downstairs only to see that Jess isn't here. She's still upset about last night and I know it. I'll make sure to text her later.

As I'm grabbing my keys to head out, Victoria texts back.

Vic- good morning to you too 🌞

Me- you seem to be in a good mood

Vic- well why wouldn't I be I'm texting a wonderful person

Me- oh yeah well they're lucky

Vic- they are indeed

I tell her about how I'm gonna be busy today and that if I don't text back fast enough to not worry. I put in the location that Ariana gave me in my gps.

"Of course this Starbucks is 20 minutes away" I mutter to myself.

On the drive there, I think about how nervous I actually am to be meeting Ariana. She was or still is one of my many inspirations in the music world and it's crazy to think that we're gonna be making songs together. Based off the way she texts, I figured out that she has a massive ego, so I'll be sure to not let her know that or I'll never hear the end of it.

As I get out of my thoughts, I noticed that I pulled into the parking lot. I get out only to see many paparazzi at the entrance. 'Ariana must already be here' I figured.

I walk to the front and start getting bombarded with picture flashes. I hear many different voices scream my name . I keep a smile on my face and push through them until I'm inside.
'Didn't think I was that famous yet' I thought to myself.

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