Mission Impossible (Part 2)

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Y/N's P.O.V

"Victoria?" I say in shock.

What could she possibly be doing here? There's no way she willingly agreed to help Dalton.

"Why are you here? There's no way you're helping him." I say.

"He came to me about the idea and I offered to help." She answers.

"But why?" I ask.

"Because Y/N I actually liked you. You played me like I was a video game. You were with Ariana the entire time. Not to mention you disappeared on me the night of the VMA's and got Camila pregnant. You thought you were just gonna get away with that? Because if so then you thought wrong." Victoria says coldly.

"We were never official Vic. What about that costar that you got caught messing around with? You know you two are only playing the victim when both of you have done shit wrong too. Y'all are sick minded people." I spit.

Victoria tases me on the side of my ribs. I hiss at the pain. It definitely wasn't as bad as the first few times. It didn't paralyze me as long as it did before. Maybe I was getting use to it.

"You have a smart mouth for someone that's chained up." She chuckles.

"You have a smart mouth for someone that isn't chained up." I reply not really caring anymore.

If this was how I was gonna die at least I ain't dying like no pussy.

"I can't believe I ever liked you." Victoria muttered.

"Oh boo hoo, cry me a fucking river. I can't believe that I liked you either. And as for you." I say turning my focus on Dalton.

"I never liked you and I will never like you. I will never understand how Ariana married you. This whole kidnapping me thing isn't gonna get her to come back. Just get over it."

Seriously, how could someone be this obsessed with a person? After a certain point it becomes creepy.

He leans forward in the chair and punches me in the face. He can't hit that hard so it wasn't too painful.

"Victoria probably hits harder than that." I mumble.

I leaned my head back against the pipe I was chained to. I really wanted to get out of here. I miss Ariana so damn much. I wonder how she's handling this.


Ariana's P.O.V

Once again I was stuck scrolling through pictures of Y/N. I was currently looking at her photos from when she was a child. She was so bright.

Literally, she's light skin or like a caramel color. Her mother was white and her father was black. They managed to create the finest motherfucker that I've ever seen.

She always seemed so happy in these pictures with her parents. Apart of me really wishes that I was able to meet them. If they were anything like Y/N then I have no doubt that I'd love them.

"Hey Ari." Jess says entering the room.

"What's up?" I ask.

"When's the last time you ate?" She asks.

"Yesterday morning." I answer.

I know that was bad considering that I'm pregnant but I really didn't have an appetite. All I cared about was Y/N coming home.

"You need to eat sis. I know you probably don't want too but you have a child to look out for as well. Whether it's Y/N's child or not I'm still gonna be an aunt. Feed my nephew." She says.

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