Chapter 6: A T. rex Has a Date With A Grungy Ladybug

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Later that evening, Papi and I lounged in the living room watching a show about astrophysics. I laid on my stomach, a greasy Hawaiian pizza slice in hand. My mouth gaped, jaw flopping around as I searched for the slice and watched T.V. at the same time. Papi sipped on a Coke. Piles of paperwork, scribbled notebooks that looked like they had gone through the wash (and they probably had since Papi often left pocket-sized ones in his--gasp!--pockets), and thick books that could kill a hippo, surrounded him on the small couch. Michelle Thaler, my favorite astrophysicist, was explaining a phenomenon in space on the show, with a glorious halo of frizzy hair framing her kind face. Papi watched over his tower of work and I chewed my pizza, enjoying the yummy mix of pineapple sweetness and salty cheese.

Bzzz. I set down my pizza slice on my paper plate on the floor and twisted around to grab my phone from the coffee table. I swatted away the paper that stuck to my greasy fingers and accidentally knocked a small pile of notebooks (and a couple of pens too) off the table.

Briar (aka a brain-eating zombie): You coming?

I frowned. Huh? I read the previous texts, scrolling through our conversation. My eyes widened. I shot a glance at the time. It was 7:05 pm. I jumped to my feet.

"Papi, I'm late!" I cried out, stuffing the rest of the pizza in my mouth. It sounded more like "Popeye Arghf Laip."

He peeked over the edge of his book. "For what?"

"I was supposed to meet a friend at Beans 'N Cream five minutes ago!" I shouted over my shoulder as I ran towards my bedroom.

"What friend? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I forgot!" I said and slammed my bedroom door closed.

I wiped my greasy hand on my shirt, regretted it, ripped off the newly greased shirt, and ran around my room like a chicken with its head sliced off looking for a replacement.

Papi's footsteps sounded along the hallway. His voice came from right outside my door. "At what time will you return?"

I ran towards my suitcase and tripped over a random shoe on the floor. My half-naked body slammed against the floor. Oomph!

"Are you okay?" Papi called, knocking on the door.

I pushed off the floor and ripped my closet open. "Fine! Just tripped."

I flipped through my shirts, scowling at one, frowning at the other, pondering why I kept some, and shrugging to the next until I thought, Why do I care? Briar is just a friend.

"Luna, when are you coming home?"

I finally picked a bright yellow hoodie that read, Nevertheless She Persisted, slipped into denim cutoffs, and threw on some black Converse high tops. A few moments later, I popped out of my room.

"I don't know, Papi. They said it's a surprise for me," I answered.

He leaned against the wall, partially blocking the way. "What sort of surprise? You don't like surprises."

I chuckled. "Papi, it wouldn't be a surprise if I knew something about it."

"Hmm. Pull up your friend's phone number," he said.

"Um, okay," I said and took out my phone.

"Send me the contact information."

I typed away on the screen. "Done."

He narrowed his eyes at his phone, which he had slipped out from his pocket. "Briar?"


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