Is It Right?

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"You uh... what!?" Goh asks with widened eyes.

Ash, Goh, Chloe and Professor Cerise had just finished eating dinner. Ash had gone to train Pikachu and Riolu whilst Chloe had pulled Goh aside to tell him something.

That She had a crush on someone.

Goh was conflicted. Sure He knew he had to be a good sport and support one of his best friends but a part of him kept asking him "Is It Right?"

Of course it's right! A girl and a guy are supposed to be together! Not the other way around. Goh was pleased that his female best friend was in love so that wasn't the problem. The problem was who she was in love with.

Ash Ketchum. Aka- His crush.

Goh Wasn't Gay. In fact he was aware that he actually never liked anyone the way you'd expect. Nor girl, Nor boy! He was almost convinced that maybe he was void of such feelings of romance. Aromantic? Asexual? Aroace!?

Even when he met Ash he didn't feel the way towards him how he felt now. In fact he only considered Ash as a true friends! But over those last two years he started to grow closer to Ash so that his sheer admiration and respect for his friend evolved into something else. Something foreign. He was aware of these changed feelings only recently- causing him to resolve this mystery of love.

He was Demisexual.

Some people only feel attraction toward those with whom they have developed a strong personal bond. If this is the case, the person is known as being demisexual.

That's it! Goh Was demisexual!
Which is why it did sometimes annoy him when other people would joke saying he was blushing at a random stranger.

But this was something far more complicated. He had grown strong feelings for his best friend over the course of the last few months and he didn't even know if His friend liked him back.

If anything Goh was sure that Ash was too dense to notice but now that he's informed that none other than his female best friend had a crush on his crush he didn't know what to feel....

"I um... think I have a crush on Ash," Chloe mumbles trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

Goh blinks plainly. "Oh well um... That's great, then!" he smiles fakely and says through strained teeth. It's not like he wasn't happy for her......

"Oh really!" She smiles and faces Goh.

"Oh um... Yes I support you both! You two would look good together!" Goh lies with a hint of sarcasm, though he tried not to let it show.

Fortunately, Chloe didn't pick it up.

"That's Wonderful! Thanks Goh for the support! I really needed to tell someone! I didn't feel like I couldn't keep it in any longer!"

Goh chuckles awkwardly.

Chloe picks up Yamper and leaves. As soon as she's out of sight Goh rushes off to his room and Raboot follows behind him.

Goh collapses on his bed and sighs. Is it Right that he faked supporting his best friend? No of course not! But he didn't want to get In the way of her being happy. And what if Ash didn't like him this way? What if he liked Chloe? Goh didn't want to lose his only friends. He'd rather keep them and stay third wheeling than being cast out for ruining their relationship.

He still had Horace as a friend. He remembered switching numbers with him before leaving and coming back to Vermillion city. Horace knew that Goh liked Ash. Goh and Horace would text every week and Goh would always tell Horace about the silly things Ash would that Goh would secretly smile about. It didn't take long for Horace to put the pieces together and figure out Goh had a crush on Ash.

Horace had sworn to Goh that he'd keep the secret and for that Goh was thankful. At least he also had a friend who he could talk to about this conflict he faced with.

Goh drifted off to sleep as he started to think about Ash and Chloe's crush on him. Why did the world turn against him when everything seemed so perfect to begin with?

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