Samantha Greenstone

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A/N Wow, it's been a while. Anyway, I thank you for reading this and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

"I love you..." Percy said to me as he brushed hair out my face. This is impossible, they only do cliche stuff like this in the movies! It must be a dream. "Samantha..." he continued. "Samantha, Samantha," he repeated my name.

The way he said my name made me swoon. Oh, he's just perfect. "Samantha...SAMANTHA!"

I woke up.

"Samantha, get up right now or you will be late to school," my mom practically dragged me downstairs. I left the house and started my car without even a snack. Luckily, I always bring my gum in the pocket of my jean jacket. I took out a piece or two and blew a bubble.

I turned on "Cloud 9" by Beach Bunny and thought of Percy as I drove to school. I just got there in time as I realized it was 8:58. I rushed into my class and there he sat...Percy Jackson. Percy was one of the popular kids, but he wasn't one of the bitchy ones. He was in fact the kindest person I ever met.

We only ever made contact when we said a brief "hello" or one of us started up a conversation, which was mostly him because I was to nervous to do it myself.

"HEY WASSUP!!" My friends surrounded me. They were all boys. My best friend was Stacy Walters, until she moved away from the country for some reason. I was briefly visiting her school and I left right before the assembly, then never saw her again. Stacy was friends with all the boys and I met a few of them.

Alex, Albert, Axel, Archer, Aiden, Aidan, Alexander and Asher. They were popular, but not as popular as Percy. Before you call me a pick me, I've never really like them I just hang out with them because I never really bonded with anyone else other than Stacy and these guys are the only ones who know about her due to them meeting at her job at the ice cream shop.

Back to Percy. He was the kind of person who seemed pretty chill. He never was mean to anyone, even when I could tell they pissed him off he only spoke in a bit of a rude tone. The only problem about me asking to be with him is the fact that he has a girlfriend. Annabeth Chase.

I have no problem with her, but sometimes I wish they would break up. I wish she could just die's not like anyone can hear my thoughts. "Kill her" "what?" I said. "If you hate her so much, why dont you just kill her." I realized that voice was coming from my head. Suddenly everything went dark.

I woke up in the hospital with two people standing beside me. One was Piper McLean from Science, and the other... Percy Jackson. I sat up immediately and said "what the hell, why am I in a hospital!" Percy looked like he was trying to control his anger. He pointed beside me as he closed his eyes.

My eyes opened wide, almost as wide as my mouth did.

"OH MY GOD!" I yelled. Annabeth Chase was laying on the hospital bed, looking more pale than pale himself. "You did this, well not exactly," Percy had his voice just over a whisper. "W-what do you mean?" I had sweat in places sweat should not had been.

"He means YOU hurt Annabeth, but not exactly," she yelled the first part. "I hurt...Annabeth?!" Sure, I've had thoughts about it before, but just intrusive thoughts, I'd never intentionally hurt someone like that who didn't even do anything to me.

No, I refused to believe it. "I woke up in the hospital after passing out. I have absolutely NO memory of hurting anyone, don't play around with me like that guys, I'm serious!" I realized I was trying to convince myself more than them.

"It was your body who attacked Annabeth...but it wasn't you," Percy explained. "What do you mean by that?" I shivered. "I mean somebody else was controlling you!" I covered my mouth not to scream.

There's no possibility of that right...controlling somebody else is impossible! Supernatural doesn't exist!" I said. Piper and Percy exchanged glances and Percy spoke up. "We're demigods, half human half god, don't believe us..." Percy lifted up the water in my glass and splashed it outside the curtain to my room.

ALL WITHOUT USING ONE HAND. "Son of Poseidon," he smirked but I could tell his wasn't real. "Stupid, I'm not an idiot I know what demigods are, except I didn't...I didn't know they were REAL!" I explained.

After I calmed down a bit, Piper put her hand on my forehead and I began to see things.


Finally...I've mastered it. I'm sorry dear Samantha but I'm getting revenge. I saw Annabell out of the corner of my eye. I made a knife magically spawn in my hand and charge right at her. I stabbed her a total of 10 times before Percy got me off of her. Her face was in total shock and despair, blood dripping out of her mouth and stomach.

She looked dead. She coughed up some more blood and tried to form a word but it just ended up damaging her even worse. Soon I got knocked out.


"Oh god..." I said. "So, you remember now," Piper and Percy were trying very hard to control their anger. "Yeah," I chocked out, almost sobbing. I never meant to do that to Annabeth. I wanted to look over at her, but I couldn't face it, I just felt so bad.

"Look at me," Piper shook me and my eyes glanced from the floor to her. "We're going to find who possessed you and we're going to kill them, then Annabeth can have her justice-" I couldn't even let Piper finish her sentence.


"We have one good lead," Percy said.

"Stacy Walters."


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