Maddy Morgans

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Hi, I'm Maddy Morgans. I go to Waterside Highschool and I'm practically your average teenage girl. I've grown up in a rich family, leaving me with loads of friends, plus loads of gold diggers. Over the years, I've come to tell the difference between actual friends and people who want money. That has left me with no friends. Well, except for one. My best friend in the entire world was a girl name Reyna.

Reyna was the only one who could make me feel happy, and the only one who I truly loved most in this world. She was my best friend and I was glad to have her. I'm also glad for the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend. In my opinion, boys are wastes of time and its better to just not have one. (no offense to boys just my character talking) Plus, it also gives you more time to spend with your friend and not on some stupid boy. Despite her hatred for men, she was the most popular girl in school, me right by her side.

I never understood where the popularity came from, and to be honest, she didn't either. It was weird how we were seniors yet literally freshman, sophomores, and juniors all knew us. We tried to stay clear of them yet sometimes it was just unavoidable. Which leads you to Robby McLaine.

"Hello ladies, I brought gifts for you," he reached into his backpack and brought out two red roses and chocolates. Robby was probably the most annoying freshman. He just wouldn't take no for an answer, and he couldn't take hints at all. "Robby, listen were flattered but..." the excited expression on his face was enough to make my heart melt. On the other hand, Reyna came straight out with it. "But, we arent interested. Have a good day," and with that she walked me away.

"Kinda feel sorry for him though..." I trailed off.

"No need."

The next day, I drove to school, but when I arrived there, people were crowded around something. I got out of my car and walked over to where all the commotion was. There I saw around 5 girls. (Thalia, Artemis, Hunter, Iphigenia) And surprisingly, Reyna was one of them.

"Reyna?" I called out to her. She looked in my direction. "Maddy?"

I pushed through the crowd, coming up to her. "Who are they?" I asked her. "They're my...friends..." she said. "I've never seen them around here, are they new or something?" I wondered. "Yeah, they're new!" Reyna put her hands on her hips. "No need to tell a falsehood, we're not here to become students," one of the girls said. "My name is Artemis, and I'm the Goddess of the hunt, these are the remaining hunters," 'Artemis' gestured to the other girls there.

"What...?" I said. "Bro, you guys are so fucking stupid, you guys really believe this shit?" Andrew said. Artemis suddenly began to change form into an eight-year-old girl.

"No normal human can do this, does this satisfy your needs, mortal?" She spoke. We all looked to see Andrew's response, but he was already driving away in his car. "The audacity of men..." She muttered.

"Well, if there's nothing else that I can do for you, I must be on my way; and I will be taking Reyna with me."

"Hey, wait!" I said, grabbing onto Reyna's arm. She turned her head. "You're...a hunter of Artemis?" I asked. You're probably wondering why I wasn't freaking out, but trust me I was on the inside. "Yes, I'm sorry Maddy, but I must go," she pushed my grip off as her and the hunters drove off. "UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN!" She said, just before fading off into the distance.

That was the last time I saw her.

It took me a minute to recollect myself, but when I did, I saw a note on the floor.

 "Welcome to the hunters, 408-***-**** 


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