5: "You want to..what?"

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Hands sliding over my back, arms holding me tightly, pressed against a firm chest. Warmth seeping through my skin.

Soft lips touch my cheek and slide up towards my temple. A hand cards through my hair and tugs lightly at the strands, lifting my head and exposing my throat to a warm mouth which presses kisses down the cords of my neck.

My whole body shudders as the hands creep lower exploring the muscles of my back until they reach the hem of my sleep shirt and stroke exposed skin.

Strong fingers dip lower and curve around my buttocks, squeezing lightly.

I shudder again and reach out to touch the person bringing me so much pleasure..

And they vanish into thin air.. my arms clutching at nothing.

My eye's shoot open to unfamiliar walls, strange sheets and a warmth beside me.

Kongpob is resting the length of his bed, head cradled by his pillow, arm tucked beneath it, fingers curled around the top of my arm.

His breathing sounds ragged and uneven and I can still see the images he must be seeing in his sleep.

I yank my arms away from him, heart pounding at what I've seen.

I'm still trying to calm my breathing when he says my name again.

"Arthit.. is that you?"

I roll to the edge of the bed and swing my legs around, shuffling my butt until I'm upright. Glancing back over my shoulder I can see that Kongpob has dragged my pillow into his arms and is pressing his face against it.

"Arthit.." his voice is muffled, but it's still clearly my name and it sends my mind spinning.

I lever myself up and head for his kitchen, drawing a glass of cool water from the bottle in his fridge, trying to forget what I saw in his dreams.

I definitely shouldn't have drunk more alcohol when we came here earlier, it's only heightened my hidden desires. Shaking my head I drop onto Kong's couch and swallow down the drink trying to slow my racing heart.

I tuck my legs up and let my mind tick through the last few days since I turned thirty and gained these powers. Adachi's messages come to mind, especially the one from a few hours ago. Was he being serious that I should really go for it?

I recall all the thoughts I've heard from Kong. All the things he's shared inadvertently. Then I think about all his actions.. do they match the thoughts he doesn't know I've heard?

Would he ever say those things directly to me?

It feels unfair that I know what he's thinking and he has no clue.

It makes me want to run away.

So I do.


It's early when I reach home, letting myself in and heading straight for the shower, where I slough away my guilt along with my unexpectedly dirty thoughts.

Apparently, sharing a sexy dream with Kongpob has awakened something inside me that I wasn't truly aware of. My hand slides down and grips my cock and I have to stop myself from going further as I think of him.

I have to stop myself. I can't give in to the lust while I am at fault.

If he knew I could hear his thoughts, what would he think of me? Would his thoughts become stuttered as he tried to censor them?

It's so unfair.

I'm really starting to like him. I can't let myself take advantage of him or our relationship will always be uneven.

So what can I do?


An hour later I've agonised over the letter. But now it's written, folded neatly and pressed to my heart in my breast pocket, I feel better.

Telling Kongpob some of my own inner thoughts - surely that puts us back on an even footing?

Now.. I just need to think of a way to give him it without completely exposing my feelings.

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