13 and pregnant!!!!!!!

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Armani i'm telling you their is no way I'm pregnant I'm only 13 and I only did it  one times and it was because of a dare. One time is all the chance you need my best friend said and she laughed and said go pee on the stick. I groaned and went to pee on it .

>>5 minutes later<<

I was still holding the stick ummmm Armani this stupid stick is broken . Its a brand new brand how is it broken she yelled from the other side of the door.It's broken because this stupid crap says  pregnant. I don't think its broken Armani says in quiet voice. I went and open the door. She came and gave me a hug. I whispered that's not possible and passed out.

>flashback while passed out 2 months earlier<

"Hey this is a high school party are we even allowed to be here" I whispered to Stacy my 2nd best friend. She laughed not really but my boyfriend Joey said I could come and their was no way was I coming here alone without  a friend I would look so lame if I just hung out by myself.

That's when Joey came up and they started to make out which just look like a porn movie in the making. After about 20 minutes they came up for air. I couldn't keep the look of disgust off my face . She looked dazed and when she finally realized I was still there.

She pushed  me away and said go have fun. I sighed how i don't know not one person here. She shoved me harder I dont know no one either but joey and i wanna be alone with him go get drunk and have sex with someone I triple dog dare you to and with that she walk back to Joey.

Ugggg she knows I never back down on a dare. I went and grabbed a cup and drained it. That's when I saw that a bunch of guys were having a chugging contest. I sucked on my snakebites nervously and grabbed the thing out of t he guy hand. (i dont know the name of it XD) He said whoa do you think you can handle it. I smiled and place it in my mouth. He shrugged his shoulders ansd said on your mark get ready set go!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I chugged as fast as i could not really tasting it. The guy was cheering and screaming . I got up and said "oh yeah" THey laughed and pat me on the back. I grinned now for the second part of the dare. I stood there wait this would be my first time am i really ready for this the rooom was starting to spin. Ill take that as a yesI hiccuped and thats when this guy came up and gave me a deep tounge kiss

He pulled back and said my name is Zachary Baker. My name is Amber Brown I said with a hiccup. He smiled and led me to an empty room and started to kiss me on the neck . I moaned softly as he sucked on my neck. He lifted up my shirt and unbuttoned his pants he pulled down my skirt and panties in one smooth movement. He took of his boxers and  shirt and pushed me softly on the bed . He pushed me softly on the bed. He started kissing me again and this time he slowly started to put his thing in. I closed my eyes tight against the pain. He stopped once he was halfway in. Are you a virgin? He said clearly shock. I nodded and he kissed my forehead and went in softly and gently. He started to thrust forward it hurt-ed but it felt good in about 3 minutes all the pain was gone . I moaned in pleasure he started to thrust faster. I moaned and thats when this hot liquid was gushed inside me. I moaned and squeezed the covers. He rolled off me and held me.

I got up and look for my shirt I found his so i slipped it on and laid next to him. He grinned and held me 2 minnutes later I was out cold.

>end of flasback<

I woke up in an uncomfortable bed. Are you ok? Armani asked with a worried loopk on her face. I said yeah she smiled and left the room. She grinned and headed out the room. Wait were are you going? It was to late she already left. I groaned and thats when she walked back in with a doctor. He looked to be about 21 and was way to cute to be a doctor. He smiled at me and then frowned. Wait your only 13 and your two months about to be 3 months pregnant and nodded. He let out a deep breath and smiled at me you look older the  13. I smiled and said I know had an early growth spurt . He grinned which made him look ultra sexy. I smiled and he said well your all straight to go.

Just go to the front desk and sign out and thats about it and calll me if you have any questions and with that he gave me his card and left. I smiled an got up. Armani rushed to my side and help me. I went to the desk and signed out. As we walked out she said how are you gonna tell your father. I grimaced and said i dont know she she smiled and said ill be there if you want me to. I smiled at her and sucked on on my snakebites. This was not gonna be good.

13 and pregnant!!!!!!!Where stories live. Discover now