Chapter 1 :School Morning

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"Notebook?" Mrs. Green asked.

"Check." Oliva responded.




"Check." Oliva usually forgot them on her first days.



"Lunch?" Mrs. Green asked to see if she was paying attention.

"Mom! You know I'm gonna buy lunch at school not in one of those kiddy lunch boxes." Oliva snapped, she argued a lot with her mom about the lunch boxes and how she wasn't a little kid anymore which was "to good to be true" Mrs. Green said.

Oliva grabbed her black backpack and tried to run out the door before her mom could capture her in a hug. She was 16 for crying out loud!

"Uh uh, get back here!" Mrs. Green teased. "No escaping me." 

Oliva rolled her eyes and kissed her mom on the cheek. Then when she turned around to avoid the hug her mom cleared her throat.

          "Ummm, you forgot something." Mrs. Green scolded. "My hug." She said in a sing-songy voice but her daughter was already out the door.

I survived! Oliva thought as she made her way to the yellow and black building. It looked friendly on the outside but Oliva couldn't be fooled that easily everyone going into the building knows its prison.

"Yay," Oliva muttered under her breath. "High school prison."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2021 ⏰

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