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okay sorry that this book isn't getting updated, reason being is because I'm trying to get the first book I started finished to I can work on the second one but after the first one to that on is done I'll fully going to focous on this one. But I will still work on some of the chapters on here and maybe post a chapter here and there, also I'm going to have to juggle around the schedule on here since school will be starting for me soon. I've been trying to work on a good schedule for me to be able to upload stories for these books and hopefully I'll be able to get a good working scheldue for the uploads on this, also when I have all the drafts for the first book I started. I can just set a day to upload them while I work on this, so don't worry I'm going to ahead of schedule but in all honesty. I haven't decided if I want to make a second book to this or what, so that I'm also still trying to decided.

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