Pt. 15 - Distance

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So many happy memories, and so many sad ones. So many emotions attached to you... So many words I wanna tell you, but will never get the chance...

I grew up with your music, without knowing you weren't amongst us anymore. And when they told me - ...

I was feeling your spirit, it was inside me. I was feeling you.

And no matter you're gone,

I will always love and appreciate you, King.

Happy Birthday!


I  was sitting on the couch, staring into the black TV.

Even after 2 months, I still can't understand...


Why did he act so cold around me? The first three days everything was great. If it wasn't I wouldn't... whatever.

Maybe it was the opposite of what I was thinking... Maybe he liked only my looks, that's why he ignored me after the blow job

And I still can't believe I did this... I usually am not that kind of person, it just felt right in the moment...

Anyways, here I am now, miserable, without a job, living off my parents, and 150km away from the man, who's always in my mind since then. No matter how many times I deny it, it's the truth...

I feel like if I find a job it's gonna take my mind away from him, but the problem is, that I don't know how stable I am going to be at work... I feel like I'll be crying all day and they're going to fire me.

But I have to try, right?

So that's what I did. I opened a job search site and started scrolling.

After a while, I found some positions that I like, send my CV and waited for them to call me.

But that didn't solve my current situation, so I had to lift my mood in some way...

I got the next bottle of bourbon from my cabinet, took my seat again and started the TV.

I have to stop drinking...

I don't know which bottle this was for me since then. They were stacked on the floor, waiting to be dumped in the trash. But I was always too lazy to do it.

I just sat there and watched the news. But why to watch, it was always the same story... Protests, Corona, protests, Corona.

I wish I could've gone to a protest, tho. Something has to be done in this country, really, it's not going in a good direction.

Anyways, I watched, and watched, and... fell asleep.


"She! (She) She lives in daydreams with me! (She) She's the first one th-"

I managed to pick my phone up in time. Ugh, who's calling that early?!


"Hello, is that Cestria Hansley?" I heard the man on the other end ask

"Yes, yes, it's me," I said, hiding my eager state. I couldn't believe they called so fast!

"Oh, okay. We are from the 'Food and Dancing Factory', and we wanted to ask you if you can come to a job interview tomorrow, at 10 a.m., in our building."

Wait. What?!

"The Food and Dancing Factory?" I exclaimed "Of course I can! I would love to!"

"Alright then, we're waiting for you!" He said and hung up

I can't believe it. Did I apply for the factory? I don't remember...

I checked my history and quickly realized, that I did not at all look at the company names. Which was maybe kind of fortunate, because if I saw the name I may have not applied, but now I'm more than happy to be there. I can't wait until tomorrow!


I got up early today and went on a trip to Ravnishta once again. I couldn't wait to see Michael. Not only because I missed him so much, but because I wanted some kind of explanation. I wanted to know why he was so cold...

And when I got there, I was more than surprised to see not Michael, but Chandler as the interviewer. Maybe Michael didn't have time? I mean, he does work a lot...

"Hello, miss Hansley," Chandler said and got his hand out

"Hello," I smiled and took his hand.

"You may not know, but the Factory needs some kind of management. Michael is too busy with other things, and he can't run the management and handle the entertainment at once." He explained and I nodded

"You are actually the only one that applied," he continued "Which to me is very odd, but maybe it's because they don't want to waste their master degree on a place like ours. And I'm very thankful you came." He said and smiled

"I'm happy I came too" I stated and returned the smile

"Okay, so. You earned the master's degree in 'Asen Zlatarov'? The university in Burgas?" He started with the real questions

"Yes, I did" I answered, even though it was in my CV, in which he was looking right now

He was silent for a while and didn't ask any questions. He just read through my CV. But I suppose you can't be a good barman and interviewer at the same time.

"You know what? You're hired." He said eventually

"What?" I exclaimed and tried holding back my laughter

"You're hired. I don't think I need to ask you something more, since we talked so much before you left... I already know what I need to" he smiled. So he remembers me? I hope Michael remembers me too... because I won't be surprised if he does that with every other girl. Boys are just... dumb

"Thank you." I smiled back "But when do I start?"

"Well I was thinking... what about now?"


A/N: this part may be a bit boring, but it's an important transition. ;)

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