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A gentle tap on the door pulled you out of the slump you had fallen into while going through your emails before wrapping up your day.

"It's getting late hun, just wanted to say goodbye before I left. Don't work yourself too hard, okay?" the soft voice peaking from behind the door that was slightly cracked open.

"Thank you, Vanessa. I'm just tying up some loose ends and I'll be out soon. I'll see you tomorrow, have a good night." You said softly back to her with a tired smile.

Being President Loki's chief of staff, was tiring to say the least. Between the never ending phone calls, keeping your staff in line and updated, and getting a grip on the media when ever they stepped out of place, you were juggling so many tasks, it was the rare times like this when the office grew quiet that you could finally know peace.

You sat at your desk silently, typing away the last string of words before sending over your final email. You let out a loud sigh before leaning back in your chair, running your fingers through your hair before sitting back up, looking at your phone, wincing at the time that appeared on the screen. You collected your things, sitting aside the paperwork that you needed to get done tomorrow. You phone in had, and your purse sitting on your shoulder as it always did, you began to make your way out of your little corner office.

"So, you're just going to leave without saying goodbye? I must say, I'm a bit hurt by that." The sound of that familiar low, grisly voice rang down the hall, echoing against the white walls that surrounded the two of you.

A small smile grew on your face as you heard those words come from his lips. You let your bag slowly fall from your shoulder and into your hands as you turned around to face him. "I thought you had gone off to bed for the night, Mr. President. You know I would never leave with out saying goodbye to you." You said as you started walking closer to him. He was leaning against the door frame, his eyes running up your body as you came closer to him. He looked up at you as you stood in front of him, his pretty blue eyes staring into yours.

"I was originally, but I had a few questions for you if you don't mind. I know its been a long night, but if it's any consolation I have some wine we can share while we talk." You nodded, following him into the office before setting your things down, and sitting on the couch in the middle of the room. He reached into his drawer pulling out a bottle of red wine and a couple of glasses. He sat next to you as he handed you a glass. You smiled and mouthed the words thank you before taking a sip.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" clearing your throat

"You. Tomorrow is a big day for us, there's going to be lots of press and a lot of stress from us going on our first trip outside of the United States, and I wanted to make sure that you are managing alright."

"I think I'll manage fine. Everything we need is in order, and I've got everyone set up the way you've asked me too. From where I can tell, I think we are more than prepared for tomorrow, and you have absolutely nothing to worry about."

He smiled at you, doing a little chuckle under his breath before speaking "I knew hiring you was the best thing I could have done for this administration. You have managed to make my life incredibly easy, and for that I can't thank you enough. From the very beginning you have proved to me time and time again how valuable you are here." He gently rested his hand on your knee before setting down his empty glass on the coffee table in front of you. These gestures had been a common occurrence between the two of you. A touch here, a whisper there. It was obvious that he was interested in you, and to be honest, the thought of him wanting you drove you crazy. He was America's most eligible bachelor. He was one the most powerful man in the world and, realistically he could have anyone he wanted. Yet here he was, with you in his office, late at night sharing a drink with you over a conversation he could have made by text or email.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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