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I was out in the barn getting my horse ready for the mission outside the walls, Levi didn't like the fact that I was going. I mean who could blame him I was all he had left I was the only person he could really let his walls down and show emotion to, plus he doesn't want our son to grow with out a mother like he did. I know where he's coming from and I feel the same way about him, but it's been like that since or son Furlan was born. We both agreed on the name to honor his friend from the underground who was killed on his first expedition outside the walls.

After I got h/n ready I closed her/his stall door and walked out of the barn, I went to Levi's office. I didn't bother to knock on the door, when I walked in I saw Hanji there.

"Hello Hanji"

"Oh hello Y/n"

"What are you doing here" I asked

"I was just telling Levi that your on my team"

"Again the last time I was on your team you got us lost for an hour" I told her

"Yah will that's not going to happen this time"

"Right" I said sarcastically

I heard the sound of small feet behind me, I then felt someone jump on my back.


I laughed a little at this

"Okay I'll say it you finally got me"

I bent down so he could get off, after he got off I picked him up.

"Oh hello Furlan"

"Hello Aunty Hanji"

I looked at my son. He had Levi's black hair but he had my e/c eyes, he basically looked like a mini Levi only with my eye color.

"Guess what Aunty Hanji" Furlan said


"When I grow up I'm going to be as strong as daddy is" he said when a big smile

"I bet you are" I told him

"Really" he asked

"Yup after all you are his son" Hanji said

Furlan lend in to whisper in my ear

"Mommy I want go over to daddy and jump on him" he whisper

I smirked


I walked over to the other side of the desk to were Levi we sitting doing paperwork, he looked up at me. When I was next to him I sat Furlan on his desk, Furlan stood up and jumped on Levi.

"What was that for" Levi asked him

"What I asked mommy and she agreed that I could jump on you"

"Hey you little snitch" I said

Levi started to tickle him, Furlan was laugh so much that tears started running down his face. Levi soon stop to let him breath.

"Furlan how about you go with Aunty Hanji and get a little snack to go with your lunch" I said


He jumped of Levi's lap and ran to Hanji and grab her hand pulling her out of the room and closing the door behind him.

"He may be a mini you but he doesn't have your attitude that's for sure" I told Levi

"Your right about that"

I walked over to Levi and sat on his lap facing his chest, I put my head in his shoulder while his hands went around my waist.

"We leave in an hour are you ready" I asked

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