Chapter 5

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I woke up with morning sickness, what a lovely way to start my morning. It's also the day of the final exams, I've already spoken to the old man about it. I'm going to fight against my opponent but if I feel sick or weak or that the baby is in danger I have the right to stop and forfeit the match.

As I was getting dressed a feeling of uneasiness settled in and a feeling of dread, I never liked when I got a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen because most of the time it's right. I remember the first time I got one I played it off thinking I ate something bad but as the day went on it kept getting worse to the point it felt like I was going to threw up. It was that day that my parents were killed, I don't get them often but when I do I know to listen to them.

As for right now I don't have time, I took off my shirt and looked down at me stomach there was a little bump not that noticeable unless you were looking closely or you gave me a tight hug, I rubbed my hand over my belly and small smile coming to my face. Oh how I wish Levi was here, during my pregnancy with Furlan Levi would sometime rub his hand over my stomach as it got bigger. He would do it if he knew I was stress to help me calm down it also let me know that he was with me, Levi would also do it when he was worried or stressed and I would sometimes put my hand over his to let him know I was there for him like he was there for me.

I sighed and grabbed my button up shirt, the Hokage said to dress in what ever made me comfortable. So the would be my button up shirt which was a light blue and my white jeans, I but my belts on and put me knee high boots, I grab my pocket knife and put I in my left boot. I went over to my table and grab my wedding ring I was a simple gold band, I do have an engagement ring but I keep it in its box in a drawer in Levis desk. The reason I do that is because I don't want to mess it up when where training or in expeditions, so I that's why I keep it in its box were I know it's safe.

I grab my gear box and walked out of my flat and made my way to the finals exams.

"How dumb can Naruto be" I mumbled

I looked at the scene playing out, Naruto had just ran through the doors with a whole heard of bulls chasing him. Thankfully the ninja were able to get the bulls out.

"Now let's beginning the third phase if you or not the first competitors then please go up to the waiting section" the proctor said

I noticed it was a different proctor though from the pulmonary rounds, I guess something must of happened to the old one.

I walked up to the waiting area, I looked down at Naruto and the Neji boy.

I glared slightly at Neji the thought of what he did to his own cousin not leaving my mind.

"Come on Naruto you made a promise to bet him now it's time for you to carry out that promise" I mumbled

"What did you say" I heard a lazy voice say

I turned around and saw the Nara kid

"Oh nothing just wishing him good luck" I told him

He rolled his eyes at me

"Has anyone ever told you that your a bad liar" he told me

'Yes, Levi and Hanji tell me all the time when I try to hide something' I thought

"And has anyone ever told you on just how lazy you are" I asked raising an eyebrow

"Troubles women" he mumbled

I punched his arm lightly

"Take that back before I make you" I told him

He raised his hands up

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