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((Jessica’s pov))

After my rather embarrassing brother had left, I looked at Cassidy who was inspecting my face.

“Wow. You are so pretty!” She exclaimed, poking my cheek as if I were an alien, I registered her comment and smiled at her.

“Aw thank you, but you need to look in the mirror because you a b-e-a-utiful hun.” I was right; Cassidy had rich brown hair tied up in a messy bun, and bright blue eyes covered by black ray ban glasses, her face was flawless just a few freckles around her nose, which made her look young and pretty.

Cassidy didn’t have enough time to reply, because Mr Jenson started telling us how we need to be back in tutor by 12 o’clock, as it is only half a day...I’m confused already so I’m going to follow Cassidy around.

“Right class, your teacher in fourth period will let you leave early, remember come to tutor before leaving the school” Mr Jenson muttered, obviously people tried to make a run for it beforehand.

I quickly put all the school books I was given from Mrs Nerd, in my school bag and followed Cassidy out of the class room.

“I don’t see why they gave you all those books, as we start fresh books at the beginning of each year, so you have half a day to make good use of them” Cassidy giggled while linking my arm and pulling me off to a classroom, “Oh by the way we have maths first” She smiled at me, showing that she had braces, pink to be exact. Ugh I hate maths.

“Ooh I like your braces” I smiled “And you glasses” I quickly added on, feeling the need to.

Soon lots of the elder students started pushing past us, giving us glares, probably because they think they are better than us purely because they are in a higher year....and taller than us, idiots.

“Do you wanna say that again?” A spotty, sweaty boy shouted in my face, I instantly felt scared and wanted my big brother to protect me.

“What did I do?” I fearfully asked, not entirely sure what I did wrong.

“You were born” The unknown boy yelled in my face, getting his smelly breath in my face, and then walked off “OH AND DON’T CALL US IDIOTS” He roared, while turning the corner at the end of the hall way.

I breathed a sigh of relief, that he had left, but I still felt scared, how did he know I called them idiots?

“Wha-what did I do?” I whispered to Cassidy as she led to me to toilets, to get some privacy from the stares that were surrounding us.

“You said idiots out loud” She sympathetically said, oops! I didn’t realise I said that out loud, I was supposed to say it in my head!

“You can’t tell anyone about his, please Cassidy” I begged, knowing that if Harry knew he would never let me out his sight, or he wouldn’t even care like this morning. Cassidy sighed but I pushed her out the toilets, not wanting to be late to class on my first day.

“Come on it’s this way” She started laughing and pulled me as I started walking in the opposite direction.

We made it to maths, just as the class were walking in, phew not late, we quickly joined the back of the queue and pretended the past events never happened. Once in the class everyone sat down apart from me, I didn’t know where to.

“HI” Shouted a tanned man, “I’m Mr Western” He happily introduced himself, as he skipped around the class, okay.

“Um hi, I’m Jessica, where shall I sit?” I questioned looking around the class trying to find Cassidy.

“Anywhere you like, I don’t believe in seating plans” Mr Western smiled, while handing out worksheets. Obviously I chose to sit next to Cassidy, who was sat on a table with one other girl, who looked really pretty, I look like a potato compared to them.

“Heyy” I exclaimed as I rushed to my seat, not liking being the centre of attention. I shoved my bag under the table and got my maths book out from my bag, that looks like it is about to break with all my books in there.

“Today, we are going to be playing games! First is bingo so write 8 numbers from 1-100 in the grid that I just handed out” Western spoke, sitting at the front of the class, writing numbers down on his sheet, I think he might be playing as well.

Time passed so quick, at break Cassidy and her friend who hasn’t spoken to me yet so I don’t know her name yet, came with me to give my books to all my teachers so I don’t have to look after them over the summer holidays, now my bag is much lighter!

“Alright guys, you can go now, have a good summer and I will see you next year!” Mr Jenson announced, pupils sprinted out of the classroom as soon as he had finished. Cassidy and I slowly walked out, exchanging numbers; however Harry won’t let me own a phone, so I had to give her our home phone number.

“Bye Cassidy, hopefully we will meet up over the holidays” I smiled, whilst hugging my new friend, I’m sure she’ll be my best friend soon but I need to know I can trust her before I make that commitment.

“Yeahh, I’ll phone you!” She shouted while running to her dad who was waiting in his car. Sometimes I wish I had a father figure like that, who would pick me up from school and I can share all my problems with. I could go home and tell him that a year eleven shouted at me, and told me that me being born was a problem, but I can’t because I was taken away from my pops and my real father is a monster and dead. At least I finally have my big brother looking after me, except I can’t tell him what happened because I don’t know how we will react.

“Jessica? Jessica?” Harry’s voice echoed into my ears as I stood on the path of the school, completely away from the fairies.

“Hii, sorry was just thinking” I simply smiled and started walking towards his car, he looked at me strangely and then followed me.

“How was Mrs Nerd?” Harry asked once seated, he started howling with laughter, it isn’t even funny anymore, okay maybe a little bit but I won’t tell him.

/Not Edited/


I am so sorry! I am awful at updating on time, but I am in my last year of school and I have my final exams coming up so I need to be revising for them, and I have coursework due in soon, so I am focusing on that... I will update just when I have finished all my school work as that has to come first:))

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