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Kaida's POV:


I woke up to the sound of my alarm before realizing it's the first day of junior year of high school.  Or as I like to call it, first day of absolute hell. But it isn't all bad when I think about it, only because of my best and only friend, Yelena Belova. She's the year below me but our timetables pretty much line up so I don't have to be alone most of the time. When I am alone though it does suck, there are these two people that bully me, Natasha Romanoff and Billie Eilish. I don't know why they bully me, they just do and I can't stand up to them because Billie's 6'4 and Natasha's 5'10 and I'm only 5'2 (yeah I know I'm short). So therefore if I were to ever stand up to them I would easily be overpowered by them. I can't even get away from them when I'm at home because Billie is my next door neighbor and Natasha is Yelena's 'sister'. They're not biologically sisters but they were brought in when they were very young by Melina Vostokoff and Alexei Shostakov from their biological parents as they abandoned them. I often go over to Yelena's house so Natasha is almost always there with Billie so there really is no escape at all.

I got out of bed and got dressed into black high waisted ripped jeans with a black lace halter top paired with high panda twist Jordan 1's. Put my hair in a low messy bun, made breakfast for Kio, grabbed my bag and walked out the door to be met with Yelena.

(Yelena- bold, Kaida- normal)

You're early.

Yeah but you said you wanted to be picked up earlier today because you wanted to get to school before Billie and Nat do.

Yeah but I thought I would've had to wait a few minutes because you're not usually a morning person.

I'm not but you wanted to get to school early and I know you wouldn't of wanted to have walked at this time so because I'm a nice friend I woke up early so I could drive you, plus I need to do homework that's due first period anyway.

Thank you, I do really owe you.

It's nothing really. Now come on let's get going if you still want to get there before Bil and Nat.

I simply nodded too tired to continue the current conversation. Throughout the drive we blasted Usher. We got out the car only to be met with Billie and Natasha getting out of Finneas' car even though they both have their own cars, apparently they don't want to risk getting it damaged knowing what the kids here are like. I get it to a certain extent but like c'mon if you have a car you may as well use it. Whatever it's not my car.  Natasha noticed us so she called Yelena over for something, Yelena went over but I carried on not wanting to start anything at 7:30 in the fucking morning.

(Billie- bold, Kaida-Underlined, Yelena- bold italic)

Where do you think you're going love?

Into school, where do you think Eilish?

Come here now otherwise you're not going to see the light of day again do you understand me Kaida.

I simply nodded not wanting to start an argument.

Who do you think you're talking to, huh?

You, duh

She gave me a death stare before pushing me up against a wall pushing her body up against hers leaving no space between our two bodies while slightly choking me to tease me as she knew that was one of my main kinks.

I'm going to ask you one more time and I expect answers, who do you fucking think you're talking to?

Billie just leave her alone.

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