Chapter 21

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Chapter Start

' You sure you are making the right decision Naruto ' Kurama said in the mindscape as he was somewhat worry about his jinchūriki

' It's to late to turn back and like I told you the world will burn if my family is ever hurt, Kurama ' Naruto said as he was outside of a big tree

' Ok Naruto but just think about the future for Hana if you burn everything ' Kurama said which this did shock Naruto but he didn't show it for long

' Your right Kurama ' Naruto said as he walked up to the tree and split it open showing a weak man with white hair and purple eyes and a young lady with dark  blue hair

" Hello Nagato and Konan" Naruto said with a deep and raspy voice that made both of them look at him with fear

" Wh-at do yo-u w-ant " Nagato said as he was barely able to speak

" A deal " Naruto said which shocked them both

" Wh-at " Said Konan with shock

" What is it you want " Nagato said

" I want one of your eyes and I will bring back your dead friend " Naruto said slowly and emotionless as this putting them both a state of happiness and fear, happy to know they may be able to see their friend again and fear of Naruto's power

" Deal " Said Nagato as Konan was about to say something as Nagato hold it up his hand telling her to stop

" I can barely control both of my eyes abilities anymore so this would be the best for me and we get to see Yahiko again " Nagato said as Naruto lightly laughed

" Well at least one of you are smart " Naruto said as a clone appeared with the dead body of Yahiko with a hole in his chest as Naruto ran though hand signs

" Summoning : King of the Dead " Naruto yelled out as a skeleton figure with they close that goes over his head as the had a scythe in his hand

" Who has Summoned me " Said Death as Nagato and Konan looked like they were having war flashbacks

" I did " Naruto said as Death looked at the boy as he seemed amused

" Why have you Summoned me boy " Said Death as Naruto as pointed to the dead body of Yahiko

" Soul trade, his soul for both of theses " Naruto said as he unsealed the two heads of the elders

" Looks like we have a trade boy " Death said as took the elders souls to be able to do his personal torture since he hasn't been able to have fun in a while but be for he leaves he looked at Naruto

' Naruto Uzumaki, Your soul is the most tainted one I've ever seen and it may even rival Satans soul ' Death said to himself as he traded the souls and disappeared

" What the hell " Said the "dead body" as Yahiko sat up looking at both Nagato and Konan

' I must be in heaven ' Yahiko said to himself as he looked at them

" Your eye Nagato " Naruto said behind Yahiko scaring the shit out of him as Nagato nodded and pulled out his eye and gave it to Naruto as Naruto was about to leave

" How the hell did you know " Yelled Konan as Naruto turned his head back to them

" It was easy since I can sense feeling and when I killed your friend I felt the connection of someone losing a brother and I also made Sasori tell me everything about this group " Naruto said as they were all shocked other then Yahiko he was more confused then

Naruto flashed out of the paper tree and pulled out one of his eyes and put the Almighty Rinnegan in his eye socket

" The war is over " Naruto said out loud as he looked over his village some parts on fire but other parts being extinguished of the fire by villagers and some of his Ninjas

" This place is my true home " Naruto said as he flashed from the top of the mountain overlooking the village

' It's time for peace ' Naruto said in his mindscape as he was running tree to tree

' Now that's something I never thought I would hear especially from you ' Kurama said as Naruto laughed to himself as he was now outside the medical tent Yugito and Hana is recovering in as he walked in to see them both sleeping with nurses checking on them hearing there as he sat down in a chair to get some well deserved rest

In a dark place

" Looks like Nagato couldn't follow the plan " Said a person in the shadows covering him

" It also looks like I will have to step in and show this world true peace " Said the voice as little light shined from above showing a mask as the figured vanished out of sight

Chapter end
815 words
Short I know but hey your reading this so you must have stayed for a reason but other than that bye

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