chapter four

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"Come on, weirdo."

luciana pov <3



I WENT TO go find Sarah but I couldn't find her. She was nowhere to be found. I checked upstairs, everywhere. Except for the owners bedroom, so I went into it trying not to look everywhere so I wasn't invading so much of their privacy. I heard crying and I looked to see an open window that led to the roof.

"Sarah?" I call out carefully going through the window.

I saw Sarah sobbing in her knees, "Oh. Sarah!" I go up and hug her. She falls into my arms and continues to cry. "What happened?"

"T-topper and I were g-gonna... you know, and when I-I told him that I wasn't r-ready he got upset." She choked out.

"I'm so sorry, I'll beat his ass for you." I tell her rubbing her back.

"C-can we go?" She asks.

"Of course. Let's go get some food." I suggest.

"That's fine." She agrees.

I stand up and hold my hand out for her to grab. She grabbed it and stood up, we both carefully got off of the roof and into the bedroom. We walked through the hallway with loud music and got out of the house. This time I had brought my car which was an tesla that had gotten custom painted. I drove us both to the nearest restaurant which was The Wreck.

Once we walked in we got waves from many people. I went up to the counter where I saw Mr. Carrera wiping it down.

"Hi." I say with a smile.

He smiles back and replies, "Hi, what can I get for you today?"

"Actually, anything. It doesn't matter the cost and it doesn't matter if it was made earlier, she's just hungry." I tell him.

"Okay.. well we have some fries and fish sticks if that's okay?" He asks.

"That's perfect," I grab my wallet and put two $100 bills on the counter, "Here."

"Woah, woah, woah. That's overpaying, there is no need for you to give me that much." He says.

"It's a generous donation, I heard that business wasn't busy today and it's the least I can do. You're giving me food within five minutes." I respond.

He hesitantly accepts the money as I find a table for Sarah and I. She found a table for two that was cleaned off and perfect, but it was right next to the Pogues. We sat there anyway trying to ignore their presence because if we said anything there would be a fight.

"Thank you so much, I'm so hungry and I swear whoever threw that party did a terrible job on food." Sarah thanked.

"I know right! All I saw were kale chips, like what?" I agreed.

"Ew, who eats kale chips at a party?" She laughed as I started to laugh too.

"And then I saw some girl bring like three McDonalds apple pies! Who was that even for?" I laugh.

Sarah and I spent a few minutes laughing until our food came out. We thanked the waitress and this time Sarah tipped her $100 because I had paid for our food.

"Remember that time when we were little, my dad took us fishing with Rafe and he had killed the fish in front of us," She started to laugh so hard she almost couldn't talk, "And we were so traumatized we had to have a sleepover."

I laugh with her at the memory as we ate the fish sticks and fries. Her and I were talking about old memories and stuff when someone had said something to us out of the random.

"Can you guys keep it down?" Kiara asked in a annoyed tone.

"Oh, sorry." Sarah apologized.

Kie rolled her eyes and looked back at her friends. I looked at Sarah with a confused look and we both just started to giggle. "Why was she so mad.." I whisper to Sarah.

"Literally." Sarah agrees.

"You know what?" Kie questions.

"Here we go again," I mumble to Sarah.

"Whatever little scheme you two have got going on, stop it." She told us.

"Scheme?" I ask.

"Yeah, the tipping one hundred dollars and the overpaying for your food, you guys have some type of plan." She accused.

"A plan? The only 'plan' we had was to eat something.." Sarah replied as I chuckled at her reply.

"I find it hard to believe that you were trying to be nice." She sneered.

"Whatever you say, Kiara." I mutter, "Here is another generous donation." I hand her $50.

"I don't want your smelly money." She snaps holding the money out for us to grab.

"I do." JJ says grabbing the money right out of Kie's hands.

Sarah and I laughed as we took our dishes and put them on the counter making less work for the waitresses. I fixed my hair and took Sarah's hand as we walked out the restaurant and to my car. Sarah suggested we have a sleepover and since nobody was home I agreed.

Her and I fell asleep in the living room watching a movie.

authors note:

another short ass chapter bc i am very tired and i really have nothing else to put in this chapter.

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