After a well deserved sleep you got up. You turned around Funtime Freddy was still asleep you did your morning routine and got dressed you grabbed your keys and left the house. Your eyes examined your car you got in and drove to work. In front of the building your boss was there you parked your car and got out locking the car doors. "We need to talk" Boss man seems to be very serious he motioned you to follow him. Ya arrived at his office "There's a position change I figured you didn't mind so I acted on my own" He sat at his desk and looked at you "I don't mind. What's the position?" You said calmly "Night shift" He handed you a bag you looked inside and it was a new outfit you smiled "You can go home and change" He pat your back and you practically ran to your car you threw the outfit on the passenger seat and drove home. When you arrived home you locked your car. You entered the house and saw Funtime Freddy standing in the kitchen you slowly walked in and saw his hands covered in blood his eyes was black and the person. The person he was holding. The person who's head was in the oven. The person. The person. You examined the clothes "Brother" you whispered you backed away but tripped Freddy looked at you his eyes flicked back to blue "Y-y/n" His voice glitched he let go of the body and walked over to you. Fear..what a joke fear. Sadly it washed over your body like a hot shower. he reached out for you "Wait..wait...I" You looked up at the bear in fear "Its ok I won't hurt you" He picked you up and hugged you "I lost control and He startled me" He held you in his arms and patted your back his fur was so soft and warm he swayed side to side as he walked to your brother's room where ya was before. He sat down and looked down at you "What's this?" He held the bag "My new uniform a new job offer" All you could think about is running "Can I see it?" Freddy put you down you blushed and looked at the bag you had your chance now was the time. To run! You grabbed the bag and ran out the door to your car you drove to work you changed in your car you tried your best pulling yourself together tears fell down your face. You stayed in your car till night shift. Once you calmed down you stepped out of your car the building was much creeper at night you walked to the office and sat down you was pretty familiar with what to do you sat down and thought about how upset Freddy might be when you get home your thoughts drifted to memories of your brother tears slowly fell down your face and on to the tablet. You wiped the tablet and it flicked the camera. Who is that? He looked. He reminded you of Freddy. He looked at the camera his eyes went from sliver to purple you stared at him and felt as if you was in a trans. He was broken. He is broken. The camera shut off and red lights started to flash you quickly rebooted everything and looked back at the camera he wasn't there. You checked the others and couldn't find him. You put the tablet down in frustration you looked over at the door and he was there peeking his head out he looked you up and down as he walked up to you he was bigger than Freddy he had one of his ears missing as well. He was a bunny. You chuckled softly. "H-hello" You smiled at him you was sitting in the swivel chair with your legs crossed as if you was a kid in school (criss-cross apple sauce is what we used to call it) "I don't recognize you" The bunny sat down in front of you. You blushed he's so adorable. "Ofc you don't I usually work mornings" You leaned forward and petted him his fur was soft he closed his eyes and put his head down. "Whats your name?" You asked him still petting him "Springtrap" He said tiredly "I'm Y/n you know I have a friend and you remind me of him" You smiled "Oh?" Springtrap lifted his head looking at you "Yea his name is Funtime Freddy he was nice...." You looked down and teared up "He was built to kill so I understand if that startles you" Springtrap said you looked at him "I made him He's an advanced A.I he lives feel and most importantly he learns and kills for fun it's a sport for him. I was glad that he enjoys it!" Springtrap explained "He..." You wasn't sure how to take in this information "But if you want" Springtrap handed you a remote it said controlled shock FTF "If he's bad just press it like I said before he learns he will know what's right or wrong" Springtrap looked up at you. You looked at the remote and then at Springtrap "Thank you" You hugged Springtrap and he hugged you back you pulled back you was now on his lap. You looked up at him his eyes was purple again you couldn't look away you was mesmerized.
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