I opened my eyes, I was home? How'd I get here? I sat up and looked around I saw the remote on my dresser. I guess there's no time like the present to use this. I stood up and put on my robe I walked in the hall there was no sign of Freddy anywhere I stepped in the kitchen it was clean like nothing ever happened, the oven was even fixed. I felt a hand on my shoulder I jumped and turned around. "You left me " Freddy's voice was low His ears was down he reached for me I got scared so I pressed the button his body flashed as he screamed and fell to the floor his face plates opened then closed. "Fr..Freddy?" I slowly backed away from him he wasn't moving his eyes flicked on then became more steady. He sat up and backed away. From me? "Y-you sh-ocked m-e ?" His voice glitched more than usual he was like me, he was. afraid "Of course I shocked you" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms "I-" "You killed my brother he was my only family I had left!" I yelled and stomped my feet I got no response from Freddy I looked at the remote. He learns huh. I walked to my room and closed the door.
3rd POV
You thought to yourself. Do you feel safe? Can you trust him? What's stopping him from killing you? You put the remote in your work clothes. You did your morning routine and got dressed and peeked outta your room you looked around and darted to the front door. You heard humming and slowly walked to it. "Hey BonBon it's me! I lost control again..and I don't think my friend likes it" He was holding a plushie of a blue bunny "I miss you so much! A-nd the others.." His voice glitched "Ughhh I mess up e-very-thing" He put his head down holding the plushie tightly. You smiled and walked out the door to your front porch you sat down just to clear your head. Your feelings were overflowing, the death of the closest to you have led you to be caught in a web of grief.
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