Chapter 4: Royal Force of Light

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// This is my least favorite chapter to work on, but this is for story progression.

The battle was intense and only lasted a few minutes on, Shida was truly an outstanding Captain of the Knights. The power and energy I've felt was tremendous compared to Damien's.

Speaking of Damien. He got very furious and gazed over to Shida after damaging his greatsword and his armor. So this is the power of the bond and the strength from his love ones.

"You okay?" He asked me which I nodded. "I'm fine, no scratches so far."

All of a sudden, the blonde started screaming of pure rage. "Look what you've done!" Shida looks back and glance down. "It's over Damien Zakuro. Let this be easy for you and give up.."

We both knew he was a persistent kind, a Knight of himself with all that armor and weapon. It only made him more denial with failure in his head. "Give... up?!"

"Shida-Chan! Y/N-Chan!" A familiar voice came towards us running, as we both turned around seeing Honoka, Kotori and Umi finally finding us as they waved.

The three raised their eyes after seeing the blonde, they got their weapons ready just in case I did the same. "Damien Zakuro. So you've had a battle with Shida huh?" Umi asked, aiming at him.

"Honoka and everyone is here..? Good.." Damien has such a creepy smug look with such a sinister tone, that made me uncomfortable.

His dark aura surrounded himself and made the world shake, but all of us had our guard up and was confused on what he's about to do next. But it seems like... a transformation?

"What's he planning now?" Kotori asked.

A mix of black and gold aura flows around him and his armor seems repaired, same goes for his greatsword but Damien's recolor is black with crimson outlines for most of them.

His magic has immediately increased in such a short amount of time, the eye colors he had before changed to green emerald to bright yellow. I kinda wanna do that too...

Damien with his bland expression with great electricity around him. "This energy... this is..." A feeling which I'm not recognized but everyone else does.

"Y/N-Chan, this is Dark Resonance."

The power which is a corrupted version Honoka and Shida has. A power that could "probably" make you become the most aggressive person they'll be.

"You're Finished!!" Damien yelled.

Damien slams down his greatsword as it creates a massive field from the ground shooting at the five of us. We all ran and dodged the attack but it was fast.

The power boost and the Dark Resonance that they had were able to grant a huge set of power, but I soon came to notice that he was more aggressive and ruthless now.

Umi backflipped away as she aimed and shot at the blonde, but he cut the arrow in half. He slashes creating an energy blade that is sent towards her but Shida blocks the attack.

He redirects the move doubling the damage but Damien swerves over his moves. Kotori uses the wind to swirl around creating tornadoes that could suck him up but he resisted.

Honoka and Shida synchronized together as one, they multiplied their attacks together with great teamwork and dashed towards Damien with great physical damage.

Of course being the couple, they were in great movements and both of them were well known as partners. They knew what their next attacks would be no matter what the problem was.

This annoyed Damien as he gave his powerful strike back to Shida but Honoka ran in front to block with her sword. The blonde pushed both the couple away but ended up The Black Charging Hero catching his World Champion.

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