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A/N: this story is about AmongTheDreamers. Amongthedreamers
Dreamer:"Mom cats are my favorite animal can we get one!"
Mom:"It will scratch and bite"
Dreamer:"I will get my own cat."
Dreamer:*walks upstairs and sits on her bed*
Man: "Hello"
Man:"I'm magic man!" *tries to get his fat self through the window*
Dreamer:Watches the guy on the floor roll over and pull some spiders out of his pocket
Magic man: "I'm so magic ,want a wish?"
Dreamer "Yes YES I want a cat a cute tabby cat."
Magic man: "wish granted have this..............SASH."
Dreamer :"What no!"
Magic man:"poof I'm gone bye I hope you like the sash!"
Magic man: *throughs a sash with a tabby cat at dreamer*
Dreamer: Looks at the sash and puts it on
Everyone: "AHHH"
Dreamer:"At least we all made it out."

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